Joe (C**s***d)

What are you reading Joe

A book

Do not be trite


Julia who

Julia Worthing

You should know

Stop fucking with me Joe

She is from Orwell’s 1984

Why did you not say that in the first place

You are not reading 1984

How did you know that

Do not be a cunt Joe

I am reading Julia a feminist take on the character

You consider feminists are a bunch of thick dykes

No they are just scared of their own cunts

They hate their cunts

Point of entry and all that

They are very odd creatures

Is the book good

So far yes

As you know I consider 1984 one of the most important novels of the last century

This book has a lot to look up to

Maybe it will succeed but from another angle

Who knows

Is it funny

What makes you say that

Because you smiled whilst reading it

Did I

It must have been the passage about the public hanging in Maidstone

You do not often smile Joe

I often smile when I read the newspapers

That is just plain nasty Joe and I would rather not go there

So what made you smile


I liked the word

Indeed I liked these words from the original novel

I cannot remember Orwell ever using the word cunt

He did not

One has only to remember the problems Lawrence experienced

I liked the word as it fully describes ****** ******

The man is a racist but millions hang on what he says

Anyone else

There is that ex footballer who thinks he is an intellectual

Whereas he is nowhere near being there

This creature calls himself a socialist but like many socialists earns millions from cushy jobs

As a player myself if I had ever played against him I would have broken his leg

You are not a violent person Joe

I agree but some people need to be taught lessons

I have hurt people on purpose when playing football

He is the epitome of a Doublepluscunt

Any others whilst you are on a roll

What about the useful idiots that so wind you up

They are cunts but useful cunts nothing else

Guardian Readers

Got it in one

Have you any others


Name just one

**** *****


Because he repealed Section 28 and other crimes

He and L*** M****** are awful creatures

The original Champagne Socialists

Even now he still opens his trash mouth

And she has become uglier as the years claim her

The trouble is that they are in positions of power

Will you let me read your book when you have finished with it

Of course

Do you think I will like it

I would imagine so

But do try to read 1984 beforehand

Refresh yourself it will make more sense

I read it before starting Julia

Coffee Joe


Black or white

Always white Josie

I prefer it that way