Joe and the Flag



Have you renewed our English Heritage membership yet



Because they refused to remove that awful flag last summer


The faggot flag

I just thought it was wrong

It just seems to me that it is either black this or black that

Or faggot this and faggot that

They are not the only ones

The National Trust are obsessed with the British Empire

Or rather the damage it is supposed to have caused

It was not very nice Joe

Wash your mouth out young lady

It was a curates egg

But we left these countries better off

A great deal of the infrastructure remains today

But there are those who want to change the narrative of history

I find this very sinister

One idiot whose book I recently read seriously believes that there was a black population in this country during Roman times

There is absolutely no evidence of this

What a cunt

It is a form of if you say it enough times

Then the people or the stupid people will believe it

This is the shit that they teach in our schools

It is just not fair on our children

There are those who think that Shakespeare’s Dark Lady was black

For anybody who has read the sonnets properly it is obvious that she if not English was from a Mediterranean country such as Italy Spain or France

A large number of the women from these countries are quite lovely to look at

Raven hair and raven eyes

They are incredibly beautiful

The same cannot be said of the majority of negro women

In my view they can be quite masculine crude and very loud

Yet there are academics who would have it otherwise

This insults me

Many of our museums are obsessed with slavery

It was cruel Joe

So are wars

But we do not keep repeating that narrative

I do not hate the Germans or the Japanese

Or any of the other bad guys

I even like the French

French women you mean

Unkind but true Josie

Statues being defaced or even destroyed

It is not the way forward

They call it the sins of our fathers

I do not agree with this

Our ancestors built great cities

Such as Bristol and Liverpool

They were major philanthropists

That fat ugly MP


I cannot remember her name

Wears awful wigs

I think I know who you mean

She is one of the worst and jumps on every bandwagon

Every time she opens her trash mouth it is a car crash

I think it will get worse if a Labour government is returned

With Mr Wishy-Washy in charge or one of the his cock suckers

It is also very dangerous as if you start to question the history and with it the identity of a country then this can cause violence

This has happened before and is still happening today

There is nothing to be gained from it

Joe we have strayed

All I was asking you was if you had renewed our membership

If you do not want to do so

Then it is up to you

But I am going to renew my membership as I like visiting their castles and other places

You are weak Josie

The trouble is that you take offence at everything

That is because I see everything three sixty

You like to think that you see everything three sixty

I feel that you use it as a tool to shield your prejudices

Are we going to fight again Josie

Please consider what you are saying

You have more than the ability to see things as I do

But you do not like upsetting people

When I upset people it is not about what I have said or not said

It is because they can see their own reflections

I am only but your reflection
If you do not like what you see
Then turn away

Who said that

Fuck knows

But I agree with him

How do you know it is a him

Think about it Josie

Think about it