Joe in Aspic

It is false history month in a few days

I really enjoy false history month

Pray tell me what it is Joe

It is a time every year when in schools

Our children

You do not have children Joe

The children of others Pete

The children of others are brain washed into believing

Totally false histories

Yes I have seen these books in shops

My favourite is the Stonehenge theory

Mine too


Yes I find that hilarious

York of all places

But if it was not so serious I would laugh

And I have not started about the toxic teachings

That male homosexuality is quite normal

And dressing as a woman and calling yourself Susan

Is not a mental illness but just part of growing up

Mrs Thatcher noted this in a speech some years ago

They took all power away from individuals, all freedom away. Everything was to be planned by a pseudo intellectual elite who weren’t so elite.

Do you consider yourself an intellectual Joe

Some people say that I am but I see myself as a poet

You notice that she used the word pseudo

They like to think that they are intellectuals but they are nothing of the sort

I have heard it said that a true intellectual sees things from a three sixty perspective

These are just tired people

Weak and ashamed of it

As Lenin said useful idiots

But this country has been sailing without a lookout for many years

And that is where the damage is being caused

They latch on to certain groups and make them feel important

It is very much divide and conquer then

In a way

Do you miss the days of Mrs Thatcher

I was not very old at the time but old enough to realise what she was trying to do

Crush the corrupt unions

Section 28

A strong economy

She wanted the people of this country to respect themselves instead of living on handouts cradle to grave

There are many many more

Do you think those days will return

History goes in circles Pete

But history has also moved on

If you take Section 28 for instance it would have to be updated and be fit for purpose

I agree

The good thing is that the average person in the street knows that there are activists about

Our universities are riddled with them

But this said they need to take their fingers out

It is like having a disease and letting it take its course

The decent people need to stand up and be counted

I seriously know that if you give these so called intellectuals enough rope that they will eventually hang themselves

That sounds good

Yes but one does not want to be dangling on the scaffold next to them

Joe & Pete