Chalk & Cheese

Hi Joe what have you been up to today

Josie and I went to Canterbury

Anywhere in particular

To the cathedral

Did you enjoy it

Very much

The light was superb

Although the air was cool

But what I did notice was the King’s School

A number of its student passed us as we explored the area

They were all in uniform and very polite

White privilege methinks Joe

That is where you are wrong Paul as a number of the students were either negro or from countries in the far and middle east

This said a great number of the students were white which one would expect in a white christian country

Are you making a point Joe

In a way yes as although Canterbury is a beautiful city it is often spoilt by beggars or by those who are homeless

Drunks and junkies who do not respect anything including themselves

The authorities seem to ignore the problem as when one contacts them you are made to feel guilty

It is not their fault mental health problems and the like

Do you ever feel guilty


Are you ever asked for alms


What do you do

I ignore them but if they are persistent I tell them to fuck off

A few years ago this was not really a problem even in London

You saw drunks occasionally but the cops normally moved them on

You have a very harsh view

No I see things in the round

If these people think that they can get something for nothing then larger numbers will turn up and infest beautiful cities like Canterbury

It is the same in Bath

These creatures spoil things for decent people

And I would hate to think what passes through the minds of our children

It is nothing that I ever had to face

But what really annoys me are the people who think that they are doing good by giving these creatures tents and other gifts

It just polarises the situation

These are the idiots who you see on peace marches or buying into the climate lies

You are nothing but a snob Joe

That is not true

You know me better than that Paul

I just like to see things in order rather like in that school

The rest is decay

And the sad thing is that this country is running into an abyss of its own making