Letter to SMO


Thank you for your letter it amused me a great deal

Josie and I have settled here in Bali and seem to spend a lot of time on the beach even though we are supposed to be helping with the wedding

As I write this I am reading The Magus by John Fowles (yet again)

Although not a FE it its an early edition (1967) published by World Books

I found it in a market the other day

It has a fine original dust cover and must have lived in a bookcase for the past fifty years

Josie is running in and out of the sea in that nothing there bikini she so likes

She has decided to wear something sensible to the wedding as she does not want to upstage Alice Anne who is rather pear shaped

That will be hard as Josie would look good in sackcloth

I will let you know how it works out

A question mate as a local barman told me that some of the home nations are being forced to change the colours of their shirts because the colourblind cannot distinguish between red and green (Wales and Ireland ?)


If true it is a case of another minority spoiling things for the majority

I would just tell them to fuck off and get a life

Please give me your thoughts

I know that you have issues with the crips in wheelchairs and how they just whinge whinge whinge about access and other issues

It seems that they are taking out their disabilities out on the world whether it is bullying the railways into demolishing perfectly good Victorian footbridges or forcing businesses to place ramps where ramps should not exist

This said I would not call what I have seen of Bali disabled friendly (exactly the opposite) – there are no mobility scooters for those too fat to walk

I liked your observation about Scarborough noting that the town is not that disabled friendly because of its extreme geography – anybody in a chair would most likely run out of control down one of the hills (or off a cliff) ha ha SMO

On a different subject I notice that the Tory’s got their arses kicked at the recent by-elections which did not surprise me as they need to swing to the right to have any hope at the next GE

That is why Mrs Thatcher (may she rest in peace) was so successful

Section 28 – a country to be proud of and the destruction of the corrupt unions as well as many other welcome things

She knew what the country wanted and urgently needs now

This said I am not totally against the current administration but find them so fucking weak

The Labour candidates were a little odd with one looking as if she had just left school and the other being a faggot who made a point of kissing his faggot partner in front of decent people just to rub their noses in the mud

I actually switched the TV off as I found this nauseating

The problem is that if the right do not get their act in order and Labour gets past the post first then these creatures will be everywhere

Autogynephilia will be commonplace and men using segregated female facilities will increase

Josie said that she would not use such facilities as these people are just perverts and that the whole thing should be outlawed

Whilst she is not shy (far from it) she does not like the idea of sick perverts looking at her body in changing rooms and elsewhere

The kids in our schools will be taught that it is all okay

It is not and many will become confused and in extreme cases legally mutilate themselves

The Left will have a field day and do not get me started on immigration which has so harmed our towns and cities

It is a frightening outlook

Josie is now sitting next to me and says hello

She is so beautiful unlike a certain woman working high up in the police who cannot understand why she is being trolled online

It is so fucking obvious

Apart from being grossly fat and ugly people like her are shit given the track record of high ranking female cops in the UK

I have yet to see one who is nothing short of useless – they are only promoted because of their gender and that they are dykes – fat ugly dykes with weird hair

We need to return the days of the Sweeney when men were men and the coppers were hard as nails and kept the bad guys in order

I would like to have thought that being here in Bali might have calmed me down (it has) but I still can feel my honest demons screaming in my ears.

Bali is a beautiful place a million miles from the festering cities and towns in some parts of the UK so let it remain that way

It is not totally perfect but is near – the people are nice and although I know you are not a foodie the dishes are yummy

Even fickle Josie is experimenting

Will close now as need a swim

I will send you some photos (clean) which will show you what we are up to

Hate from Me/Love from Josie
