The Best Costa in the Whole Wide World

Hi Josephine

I will write in a sex scene for you but like Joe I am not totally aware of the incest laws on Bali so I will arrange for Joe to visit your fig garden tomorrow night which should be okay

One never knows what crazy laws and punishments await miscreants abroad

One has to play safe

This said if you are really wet one of the guests at your hotel is a raving dyke

Her name is Sioux and she is always on the look out for young meat like you

Add to that she is incredibly attractive (unlike most dykes) and you might have some fun with her

Just let me know

At present she is with a woman who calls herself Chief Running Water for some unknown reason – but this woman flies back to LA on Tuesday

If you play your cards right then your cunt will soon be as busy as Grand Central Station

But back to your original question about Anne Bronte’s final resting place

The good thing is that it is quite easy to find and the map that I have sent to you under separate cover shows the route

You will find Scarborough easy to navigate if not vertical in places

As you can see from the photographs the grave is quite a simple affair and the addition of an updated memorial (as the original headstone is badly weathered) adds to the vacancy of time

I noticed two things firstly how small Anne actually was (all the sisters were five feet tall at the most) and because of this the grave area is quite reduced

The other noticeable feature apart from the remains of the first church are the views out to sea and across the town

I would like to think that if Anne and Charlotte returned now then would recognise much in Scarborough

In a way I am jealous of you in sunny Bali as it is raining here as normal

The sky is a blanket grey and there is no light to speak of

Will close now as currently enjoying a coffee at The Best Costa in the Whole Wide world here on York Railway Station


Enter the station and look for the footbridge and you will find it with ease

Enough now

Enjoy the wedding