Dear Schopenhauer

Hello Joe Ruth here

News I have a new boyfriend

He is a dependable guy

Decent and kind

But to tell you the truth I think that I will bore of him

He loves cinema but not my kind of cinema

Last week he took me to see a really shitty movie

You would have hated it

Wicked Little Letters

It is set in Littlehampton in the 1920s and might have if made in a different era been a delightful if slight movie

But it is ruined by the casting a number of black and Asian actors in roles that would have been better occupied by white actors

Littlehampton in the 1920s guys think about it

It is a totally false history as there were no blacks or Asians to speak of in the UK in the 1920s

Our grandparents often said how white this country was

You could leave your doors open and walk the streets safely at nights etc etc

The betrayal only started after the last war (the sins of our fathers) when a few unwanted blacks jumped on the Windrush in the hope of finding work in the UK (they were not invited – just check the detailed histories of the time)

The Asians were recruited but again this was just short term thinking by vacant idiots

Just look at North West London now

It does not surprise me as the media is obsessed with diversity and inclusion – just look at the ads that we are forced to watch

It is normally a white girl and a black guy and their mottled brats or just blacks and many ads show them in positions of authority against weaker white people in prisons and elsewhere

It just screams at you

I have just checked the published stats for these type of marriages and it is less than five percent overall which obviously gives a false picture

But as a majority of people are pretty stupid and it is the old rule that if you say it enough then people will begin to accept it

As I said Oliver is a kind chap but when I discussed this movie with him he whilst he could see my point disagreed with me noting it was harmless and that I should not take things too seriously

I said that I would take him to see a couple of 1970s movies to show him what real cinema was and can still be

I chose Five Easy Pieces and The King of Marvin Gardens which as you know are a couple of Jack Nicholson movies which slipped out without much fuss at the time of their release

It will be interesting what he makes of them – if he likes them then maybe I will take him to see Night Moves which is a great thriller

Joe Ego Boost Alert

We know each other well enough and share very similar views

There is no sexual attraction between us

I am not your type and you are not my type

But where we meet is that we are both incredibly talented and intelligent people

I sometimes think of what dear Schopenhauer once said

Talent hits a target no one else can hit

Genius hits a target no one else can see

There we are Joe I have fucked your ego

You in your insufferable way have taught me to think and see

I try to understand you but never feel that I fully do

This said you will understand why I called this loathe letter

Remember Argentina because I am in a way seeing parallels between what is happening in the England and what happened in Argentina and Chile not so many years ago

Although not so polarised there was a big swing to the left and long held traditions were questioned and challenged by different thoughts

This fucked off the establishment and the obvious happened

They are still digging them up you know

You might say that the English have a different temperament as we tolerate a great deal

I agree with that but one only has to cast their mind back a few years to remember Mrs Thatcher

She did not go around ordering executions

But did not suffer fools and took direct action whether it be the control of faggots and other perverts with Section 28

Or much more seriously the Falklands War

You did not mess with this country

She realised that the only way to deal with any problem was to be strong and remain strong

This was the last time I feel that this country had pride in its self

These days you get a Conservative PM suspending a senior colleague for stating a fact that most people agree with

This is so so damaging and just shows a weak spine

If I was in the PMs position I would have done little as people are allowed free speech

It was an avoidable own goal

History goes in circles and the idiots on the left should realise this as if they continue they will be ridiculed and shown up for what they really are


When you return from Bali and you are here in Yorkshire again please pop in for a couple of days

Do bring Josie as she is such delightful company

Unlike you

Who knows if I am still with Oliver you might be able to educate him

Finished now insults praise and all

Why do you not marry Josie whilst you are in Bali

I would imagine that you can buy almost anything out there

Dear Daddy who was in India said that to me so many times

I do not know that much about Bali so I please accept this as a humour

Enjoy your holiday

Try not to get arrested

Ruth x