Fuck the Church

You look rather fucked off Joe

I am

What has upset you

This article in The Telegraph

What is it about

The corruption of innocent children by a toxic charity


Right in one

We were both brought up in the church

Well not literally in the church

But in the vicarage

Ha ha funny Josie

Ours was a good upbringing

White and English

We followed the Bible not in an obsessive way but to the advantage of others

And obviously ourselves

We grew up well rounded

But now it appears that the Church of England received funding from Stonewall to publish transgender lies aimed at primary school children

That was not public knowledge

This malignant booklet was not hidden and I remember being heavily critical of it at the time

Children have a right to a childhood

But the source funding was not disclosed

Poor Daddy would be spinning in his grave

He was buried at sea Joe

Do you realise that if we had children

We would be arrested

Anal intercourse is okay

So is pedophilia

Add to that misogyny and many other perversions

But if we had children

There is a chance that we would have them taken away from us

Even though ours is and would be a loving home

But it is okay to expose children to this poison at very young ages

What do you think Jesus would say

I would remove our children from the school at once and make public my reasons for doing so

Joe people are watching us remember we are on a plane

Lower your voice

It makes me so angry

Stonewall in my view should be outlawed

But my anger is even greater at the church

How dare they do this

How dare they

I am losing my faith Josie and it is so painful

Your faith is not the church Joe

Daddy always said that

I might pop down to see him

He is dead Joe

Think about it Josie

Joe and do not take this the wrong way

I am listening

I have always thought that your beliefs are more pantheist in their flavour


You love the church

It is your comfort zone

But your beliefs are pantheist

And whilst you have time for the Canterbury chap

You think he is misguided

You once said that whilst you consider the people who cross the channel as filth you still could see the angle of the church and appreciated it

We helped to fund those poor families from the Ukraine who are now living a life hopefully as normally as they can until they are able to return

You and I are good people Joe

There is good and evil

That is what the Bible teaches us

Wars are evil but however horrible they are

They are necessary sometimes given the end result

Look at World War Two

There are wars today that given a favourable outcome will be for the good

Nietzsche saw this quite clearly

I do not think that the people at Stonewall are necessarily evil people

They are just mentally ill to believe and promote such things

It goes against the teachings of the Bible

You are hiding behind the Bible Joe

Fuck off

You fuck off

Is everything okay Madam


A number of passengers have noticed that your conversation has been a little animated

Joe has lost his faith Faith

That is a nice name

My father was an archbishop and he wanted me to be near to God

So I became an air stewardess

That figures

Have you faith Faith

Very much Josie

How did you know my name

It is in your tee shirt

Oh silly me

Have you faith Faith

In this job you have to have faith flying in this heap of junk at thirty seven thousand feet

Sorry Faith

Joe say sorry

Sorry Faith

He is always like this when he reads the Daily Telegraph



Are you the poet


Will you sign my book

I will be happy to but I always publish online

I understand that but would you sign my book

I thought I had lost my Faith but here you are

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

You have made me very happy Faith

You are an angel Faith

I would rather you did not say it on a plane Josie as I am a bit nervous when flying

It is not actually the flying but hitting the ground at high speed that worries me


We should meet again

I am in London at the end of the month

Here is my number

And mine

Josie you are such a slut

I agree

You are happier now


You take things too seriously Joe

What is the date Josie

February the Twenty-Ninth

Do you realised that more people commit suicide on the 29th

Than any other day in the calendar


You try catching a train or a tube

Or even walking under high buildings on the 29th

It is fucking impossible

I do not understand you Joe

I will explain when we land

If we land


Joe & Josie