February 29th


Calm down Sally

I woke up this morning

And the garden had gone

Overnight it had disappeared



You live in a tower black


Calm down Sally

I woke up this morning

And the garden had gone

It had slid off of a cliff

Sally you live in Norfolk

The middle of Norfolk

Gardens do not slide off cliffs

In Norfolk

Unless you live near the C

Do you live near the Sea


Then your garden is still there

Can you ccc it out of the window


Where are you Sally

In the cupboard under the stairs

The estate agent said

That the house had a garden

And an apple orchard

Sally how much did you pay for your house

Twenty Eight Pounds

With a six pound discount



I will wire you ten pounds

Pop down the estate agents

And buy yourself another garden

That is so kind of you

But where is the estate agents

It is in the hi street next to specksavers

Joe why do they call it specksavers

Sally do you ever see any specks of dust in specksavers


That is because unlike many shops

They value their dust and try to preserve its integrity



Why did you just drive past me yesterday

It was raining hard and I got absolutely soaked

Why did you not give me a lift

Because you live in a bungalow



I used your money to buy a new garden

The estate agents were so helpful

But when I woke up this morning

All I could c were groups of brown people

Hanging from the trees

I was so upset

I hare seeing trees being used in such a way

Trees are such gentle creatures

I used to swing from my nearest tree

Until I got splinters in my bottom

Sally describe to me what you can see

Lots of brown people hanging from trees

Are they dead

I am not sure but I will pass you over

To my Chinese sister Lynne Ching

She is an expert on dead brown people

Hi Lynne

Hi Joe

Is Sally correct or has she been on the ffags again

She is correct Joe

There are hundreds of brown people hanging from trees

As far as the i can c

All the way to Babylon



Why do that call it specksavers


Why do that call it specksavers

It conduses me

It assumes a premise

That I would say

I wouls love specksavers

Instead of

I wouls love it