Crime and Punishment

Hi Joe

In the past I have spoken to you about what can loosely be termed

Crime and Punishment

I can remember chatting to you about the Camus novel

A couple of summers ago in France

It was an interesting conversation

As you are totally against capital punishment

Both Mauve and I disagreed with you at first

But finally saw your argument clearly

The state if it takes a life is lowering itself to the same level

But you have to count to ten sometimes

This said I have noticed in the last couple of years that sentences have differed quite radically depending on the crime

I share your view that if you murder someone in a deliberate manner

Then you are imprisoned for life meaning life

There should not be a tariff optional to the sentencing judge

I further agree that common sense must be used and the model must be flexible and rigid at the same time

There have been a couple of instances in the last few years where the sentences handed down have been harsher because they have been seen as hate crimes

I think the first occurred in Cardiff when a faggot was mugged and beaten to death by a group of feral kids

It was pretty obvious that sentence had been harsher as it was seen as a hate crime

This was noted at the time when it was implied that the victim brought it on themselves by looking to be buggered in the park bogs at two in the morning

Although I am not condoning the attack I wonder what the sentence would have been if the guy has been walking his dog when he was attacked

This begs an important question

The second case was the recent one that was immediately polarised by the left leaning media as the chap who was murdered was a trans (whatever that is)

They referred to the victim as a girl which he was not as he had a cock

Guys have cocks

Women have cunts

That is pretty easy to understand

I question the mental health of anybody who thinks otherwise

In my view the kids who executed such a ghastly crime should have been given a full life sentence

But again the judge made a song and dance about it and it was all very Hollywood

Again to emphasise it was a hate crime

But are not all murders hate crimes

If somebody fucks me off and I kill them is this not a hate crime

It seems that there is a league table of murders with the favourites being the two crimes that I have mentioned

Followed closely by those considered race murders

That is why psychopaths who murdered in the distant past are let out on licence by the idiots on the Parole Board

Apart from being a slap in the face to the families who have lost their loved ones it usually ends up with the scumbags re-offending

A leopard never changes its spots

Somebody said that the law is an ass and I agree totally with this as if one has a clever defence (even in cases of murder) then the sentence might be much reduced

At present it is Mental Health Problems tomorrow it might be something else

It is all a great lottery what do you think

And away from the ghastly subject of murder I am totally confused how people are sent to prison for non crimes such as printing and distributing stickers and leaflets giving their thoughts

It is not many years since one could purchase the National Front News in the forecourt at Stamford Bridge before and after games

Or decorate the tube trains with stickers saying Stop Immigration Start Repatriation

The cops did not give a fuck unlike today when one could be banged up for doing such a thing

The police are not fit for purpose but so is the legal system in many aspects

It is a sad state of affairs

I wonder what Meursault would have made of it all

Your thoughts when you have time my friend
