
Please forgive me for the flowers

That were obviously for your lovely sister

She is such a sweet girl

Rachel insisted on this

As you have both been so good to us since the accident

We are both mending well and the other driver is the same

Thank you for waking Nigger in the mornings

(will it never stop raining my friend)

And making sure that we are well provided for

You are both the Children of God

I have read some of your poetry and thoughts

Your poetry takes me on such amazing journeys

I love your thoughts which are so uncluttered and precise

There are never problems only answers is my favourite

You are very direct in what you say which is refreshing

I sometimes wish that I could write in such a free manner

During her recovery I have shielded Rachel from the news

As she gets so upset and the car accident has not helped

But she saw the report of that poor child drowning off Dunkirk

And like previous drownings of this nature she could not be calmed

In my view the fathers who put out to sea with young children

Should be charged with manslaughter or the equivalent

These people are not refugees but locusts of greed

And because of that innocent children die

But what really upset me is how the countries involved

Just sit with their fingers up their arses whilst this happens

I Accuse Belgium

I Accuse France

I Accuse England

The solutions are clear but will only work if all the countries work together

But as normal politics get in the way

These creatures do not just show up on the beaches

They travel vast distances

Why are they not stopped or am I being naive Joe

If one lives next to great river one does not wait until the waters overwhelm the house before taking precautions

It is that easy

Just stop this tide of filth and return them to their cesspits

Technically I am a refugee as is Rachel and I will never stop thanking this country of ours for giving both my parents and my grandparents sanctuary from the fascists

Sometimes this is almost forgotten

And it is happening again with the acceptance of our Ukrainian brothers

England was and still is the greatest country in the world

There is a sense of fair play and a great compassion but because of weak leaders and the traitors in our midst this is taken advantage of

It causes me a great distress

I am astounded that at least two MPs who were expelled from the Labour Party for holding questionable views which can be seen as anti-Semitic are still allowed to be MPs

This is absurd

These and any member who has committed a crime should be barred from office that is quite simple

If I walked (hobbled) down a street calling all black people monkeys and niggers and telling them to fuck off home then I would soon be arrested and rightly so

But in the next street people belonging to the malignant left would be selling their racist newspapers and giving out their appalling leaflets but what do the police do


Are there two types of racism I wonder or are some animals more equal than others

Sorry to lumber you my friend but until recently this country always seemed to take a common sense approach to things

But of late it has become a madhouse

It is not rare to see perverts wearing dresses

The curricula in schools is influenced by toxic charities

With young children being brain washed

Homosexuals kiss and hold hands in public

Where are the acceptable standards Joe

Did our brave ancestors lay down their lives for this

I despair and long for the days of Mrs Thatcher

She would not have put up with all this shit

I liked her because she believed in direct action

No politician today comes anywhere near her

Enough of me and I am sorry to go on

But I know you will understand as you think in the round

This car accident has hit me for six and obviously I feel vulnerable

That is why I am so happy to have neighbours like Josephine and your good self

You are both compassionate and so so practical

If Josephine is a true English Rose

Then you are the rich soil of an English Garden

From which she grows

(I apologise I am no poet)

I will see you both on Tuesday
