Snatch of the Day

Hi Joe

I do not know if you have seen this but the manager of your female side at Chelsea (you know the *** **** one ) has managed to fuck off some of her team by having a chew at carpet chewing relationships within the same team or indeed carpet chewing within the female game

I cannot remember her name although her grating accent is absolutely foul (Have you never heard of elocution lessons my dear).

You would never get this in the male (proper) game

Like you I have been playing football for a number of years and have not met even one faggot let alone a face sitting centre forward

I have read that the female game does act as a fine model for younger girls to aspire to (which is good as they cannot really aspire to the male game) but is all this cat fighting really healthy I ask

Unlike faggots I have no problem with dykes (if they are beautiful all the better) and like all healthy straight men I really enjoy the entertainment *

If we carry on like this it will be Snatch of the Day instead of Match of the Day late on Saturday evenings

I thought you would enjoy this


* I will return your Blue is the Warmest Colour DVD when I next see you…