Joe Interview (Photographs from Richard)



May I begin the interview


Do men ever send dick pics to you

Only my friend Richard

What would you do if you received a dick pic

Feel sick

Have you ever sent a dick pic of yourself

Only when I was doing Shakespeare

So I would guess that you were less than impressed with the latest scandal involving a Tory MP

I was disgusted

It is bad enough that MPs and others in senior positions are caught out by gold diggers and slags but this is going too far

These men have to behave responsibly it is all part of the job

If any part of the bridge cracks then it will only take a storm to bring it down

Do you think that this has been made worse because the MP was gay

Very much as many people are still disgusted by homosexuals

I think that if your local MP was caught between a tarts legs then people would think him weak and careless

But there is nothing very sordid about it

Men like women men fuck women men should not fuck other men as it a form of decay and corruption

Indeed in France it is quite chic to have a mistress

What about you

What about me

Would you have a mistress

I am not French and as you might have noticed Josephine is enough for me

What do you think of Clause 28

I totally supported it

If I was in government I would bring it back updated tomorrow to include other perversions

It was a very sensible piece of legislation

You are obviously too young to remember the decriminalisation of male homosexuality in the sixties


Your father was a vicar was he not

Yes and his father before him

What were his thoughts

He thought it was a huge mistake and in future years we would regret it

Did this influence you and your sister

Josie and I were brought up in the church

What was it like

Was it restrictive


Have you any memories

Only that it was draughty

The main thing was it gave you a structure to understand life

I have friends that say that any person has a right to love anybody they like

Just think what you have just said Sam

Is it a freedom or something else

I love my fellow man but if I think that they are acting in an irresponsible manner then I will tell them so

Some people have suggested you are homophobic

Are you

That is just a label

Are you


I just know what is wrong and what is right

What would you do with the MP if you were his boss

Forgive him

God forgives sinners

Are you God

God no

I would ask him to reflect on what he has done

That is all

Joe I have heard that you like jokes

I do

Then may I tell you a couple of jokes

Please go ahead

My friend went for a dodgy massage and noticed that if he paid an extra fiver then extras were available

This he did but instead of a wank he was given a cup of tea

I like it

My friend is something of a masochist

He was tied naked to a rough table

And asked the dominatrix to hurt him

So she told him that his cat was dead
