Dignitas Infinita

The Vatican has reiterated its staunch opposition to sex changes, gender theory, surrogate parenthood, abortion and euthanasia in a text dubbed “” (Infinite Dignity).

What do you think of it Joe

It is very interesting

The English Church is going off in a number of odd directions

The slavery nonsense is only just but one example

It appears to have been infiltrated

Father would have been unhappy with this

He had so much time for the Catholic Church

Do you remember how he taught us about The Oxford Movement

Pugin Hopkins and many others

One of the major things that is needed in this country is stability

If stability is compromised then malignant ideas can surface and harm

One can see this worldwide

I do not agree with the Catholic Church on many things

But you have the same thoughts about the English Church Joe

Very much and I do believe what Father once said to me

What was that

That I strongly lean towards pantheism

I have mixed feelings about that

Even though we are identical twins Josie and very similar that does not mean that we view all things in same way

That is not possible

You are a gentle creature and very tolerant whereas I am edgy and not very tolerant at all

But I know what Father meant

Joe & Josie