I Would Have Liked To Have Been An Artist (Thought Crime)

Although as part of the conditions I was asked to interview you

I was not made aware of what crime you had committed

It was not a crime

Then why were you arrested John

Because of a sketch that I sent to ****** ******

****** ******* ?

No Sarah Jane

****** ******

Oh I see

Was it a death threat


A dodgy photograph

In your dreams

Then what

I drew an anamorphic skull

And an accurate representation of an Uzi

I thought that you were no artist

I am a fine artist

I have never seen any of your work

I do not paint and rarely sketch

How did they know it was you Douglas

I always sign my work

Was ****** the only recipient


How many others did you threaten

I did not threaten anybody

All I did was send them a sketch

Of a Uzi and an anamorphic skull

That was a warning was it not

All that was being asked of them was that they discontinue

Nothing more

Just fade into the background and keep quiet

That is all


Sarah Jane

If any one of these six people are assassinated then you will be blamed

I am aware of that

You will be punished

Why would I be punished

Because of a sketch

That sounds quite ridiculous

I can see you point

Guilty by association maybe

I agree

Sarah Jane have you ever heard of the idiom

Sleight of Hand


A clever conjuring trick

I know what it means

I am an Urban Terrorist

But I have compassion

If you agree to fade

Then no harm will come to you

If you do not then the obvious will happen

How do you propose to do this

As you will be watched no matter what I say

They can watch me as much as they like

I will do nothing to alarm their spies

But there are others like me who hide in the shadows

Ready for my signal

What will that be

It will appear in a poem

Joe not all people are stupid

I agree

Would you second guess me


But you are very intelligent Masie

In certain ways I admire you Thomas Green and because of this I will delete this record

I will keep but one copy for my own safety

That is sensible but will not be required

As you have not and will never betray me
