Joe & Josie at Large



Are men rude to you in the street

Not that I notice

Do you ever get wolf whistles


Does it bother you


I rather like it

Nice arse

I take it as a compliment



Is there anything that annoys you

One thing

That being

Faggots who follow me into public toilets

Why do they do that

Because when my hair is short I look very boyish

Why do you ask

Because there are thoughts at present about making misogyny a hate crime

What is a hate crime Joe

Fuck knows

There is someone who looks like a ****** **** who says it is rife in football

Really I cannot say that I have ever come across it

Football in its purest sense is a mans game

A game for real men

Others just imitate

Do you know what misogyny is

Yes it is a hatred of women

Misogyny scars many religions

I do believe that women should be equal

Unless the reason is hollow and obvious

The opposite applies

I do believe that men should be equal

I agree that is pure common sense

Wolf whistling and leading comments are idiotic and lack respect but that is all

It is all about understanding

Women have a right to be safe wherever they are and not to be troubled by perverts

As you know I cherish women

Life would be pretty dull without them

I would starve

We would not breed

The faggots would take over

Diseases would be rife

I jest but you can see my point

Yet there is an interesting angle to this



You know those mentally ill perverts who identify as women

It is a big business with people making lots of money out of it

Cut this off grow these shrink shrink shrink

There are organisations such as ********* or ********who are more malignant than the disease itself

It is suddenly very chic to confuse genders and very dangerous

Man/Woman that is all there is

Sky Daddy likes it that way

And remember Sky Daddy is the boss

Anything else is a perversion

Lets us say that the ****** **** is listened to by the idiots who run things

Misogyny is a hate crime full stop

Where would it leave the trains who insist on invading the areas reserved for women and girls

They are the biggest misogynists of them all

I agree

Funny Old Game Josie

Who said that

I did a few seconds ago

Joe this is a very serious Joe and Josie

I know

Where are the jokes

I left my joke book at home

Tell me a joke Josie

I do not know many jokes

You are the master of jokes


Well here is one my swimming coach told me a few years ago

Which swimming coach

That swimming coach

Is he out yet

Yes and he is a Labour councillor

A guy walks into a bar with his pet seal

He orders a beer and a Canadian Club for the seal

I do not get it Josie

Are you winding me up


Canadian Club is a Canadian whisky

I know

But what has it got to do with the seal

I am not going to explain it to you

Joe & Josie