November Patient

On her birthday November Patient was taken to Marlborough and asked to choose a book from the many shelves in front of her

After an hour she decided that an 1862 edition of Voltaire’s work would make a suitable gift

It has previously been owned by a Richard Matthey

Who had annotated the book with his name and bookplate

Richard Matthey Paris 1879  

How exotic the book felt in her hands

As she left the shop and headed towards the college

She passed a beggar

Who was soaking wet

As it was raining hard

Alms for the poor

The beggar muttered with his head bowed

November’s father threw a coin in the direction of the beggar

This will pay for your bed and board for a week now be off with you as this is my daughter’s birthday


A month later November Patient was in the loft of her parent’s house repairing the cold water tank

A man was watching her in the shadows

What are you doing?

Repairing the cold water tank as it was leaking

Why were you asked to repair it?

Because it is my passion

I like repairing things that are broken

November Patient noticed that the man was smoking

Why do you smoke?

Because it settles my nerves

In a confined space such as this it could be considered a fire risk

The man flicked his cigarette into the cold water

See I have extinguished my pleasure

Thank you

I was born in Corfu you know and I know of many bathing places

Then when I am finished we will go to Corfu together as I adore swimming

What is your name?

November Patient  

And yours?

I have a name but it is of no importance to you

Then I shall call you Corfu

Then I shall be called Corfu for the duration of our friendship


November Patient was swimming in the golden sea with the golden crabs and the golden seahorses

Her companion was listening to French popular music on the golden beach

After about half an hour November tired and climbed onto the golden rocks

A golden crab joined her

What is your name?

November Patient

I do not have a name crabs are never named

I like this area you know

So do I

It is so beautiful and calm

Do you like cinema?

I suppose so although I do not watch many films

I love the cinema

It is nice to have an interesting pastime

Do you have favourite actor?

Not really do you?

Yes I like Juliette Binoche

The French actress?

I also like John Malkovich

When I left England a film starring Juliette Binoche was playing at the Man Jo in Basingstoke

What was it called?

The Clouds of Sils Maria

I have heard of it but have not seen it

I did not attend the showings


Because I only watch films financed by the Scottish Government

Are you Scottish?



As she emerged from the sea November Patient could clearly hear the music coming from her companion’s radio

Everybody else on the beach was dancing to the vibrantFrench songs

Why are you not dancing like all the others?

I do not dance

Can you dance?


Then dance with me



Because I do not dance on beaches

What is the song?

I Want to Dance With You by Lolita Jolie it is the remix version

I like it it is really jolly

November Patient sat next to her friend and began drying her legs which were beginning to attract a light tan

A much more sombre yet quite upbeat song followed the Lolita Jolie number

November quite liked it

What is this song called?

Tourner Dans Le Vide by Indila

It has a very luxurious feel to it

I like it the singer is very talented

Have you always liked French music?

Ever since I was a child

The song ended and Corfu switched his radio off

The dancing stopped on the beach

I would like you to meet my mother

Where does she live?

Over there in the villa near to the trees

Does she have a name?

I call her half pope


Because she is roughly half the size of the present pontiff


When they reached the villa November found it to be empty

Is your mother not in?

She is in

Is she shy?

No not really she is in her bedroom

Does she not like the sun?

She likes the sun and is very brown


She will be out shortly however between ten and two she tunes in to the internet

Does she have an interest?

Yes suicides


Yes my mother watches recordings of suicides on the internet

Isn’t that rather odd 

Not really she has watched recordings of this nature for quite a while

I did not know that things like that were on the internet

Everything is on the internet

Have you ever watched them?

Only once

How did you feel?

I did not feel anything it was just footage of sad people throwing themselves off of high buildings standing in front of trains jumping off of bridges

Do any survive?

Not many I would imagine

In a few minutes I will bring you olives bread and cheese would that be appropriate?

That would be delicious

And some Greek wine


As the Southern Ocean


After her meal November met her host’s mother who was indeed rather short

She did not speak English but was able to communicate quite easily in her native language as Corfu was translating

My mother says that I should show you to your room

I am ready when you are

The trio left the hot terrace and entered the cool rooms of the villa which to November’s surprise were very plain almost Spartan

You room is at the end of the passage overlooking the bay where you swam the morning it is the coolest room in the building and attracts both the early and late breezes of the day

It was indeed a cool room exhibiting a slight chill

It is lovely I will be happy here

You will not be interrupted

On the wall there was a small piece of tapestry in frame behind glass it appeared to be a scene from the Bible

A naked girl with long blond hair (Eve) was reaching into a tree and plucking in apple watched by a parrot and a snake

Is this a representation of (Eve) in the Garden of Eden?

Yes it is

It is lovely

It is a partial copy from a Flemish tapestry that you can find in the Accademia in Florence

What is it called?

Original Sin it is called Original Sin

November looked at the tapestry closely

(Eve) possesses a passing resemblance to me would you say?

Slightly although she is fuller of figure than you but her face resembles yours an off course you both have long blond hair

Do you think (Eve) was happy?

I am not sure but I think she lost her happiness by knowing of it

Corfu and his mother left the small room and November sat on the bed

Even from her seated position she could see the sea

Happiness seemed to surround her she felt the syrup like softness of the emotion but she did not understand it

As she turned away from the window she found that she was no longer alone

The female figure from the tapestry was sitting on a chair in the corner of the room

Are you (Eve)?

I am (Eve)

Why are you visiting me?

To warn you of the Cloudy Tabernacle and the Jasper Seas

Sorry but I do not get your meaning

When the seas turn jasper and the bells of the Cloudy Tabernacle toll please leave the island

(Eve) stood up and kissed November lightly on the cheek and then faded

When November looked up at the tapestry again (Eve) had returned to her position under the tree in the Garden of Eden


November Patient was in danger and she was aware of the fact

She had found herself near to a number of garages that backed on to a block of high flats

In the dim light she could see two men walking towards her

Are you going to hurt me?

That depends on you darling

If you are accommodating if you get my meaning

Well why are you standing there?

Fuck you

Oh look she has spirit the tart has spirit

I am no tart

I am not going to ask you again take your fucking clothes off

Fuck off you fat cunt go fuck your friend instead

The taller of the two men produced a knife from his pocket

I have another friend that you might want to meet

November began to cry

See they always fucking cry you get the attitude then they fucking cry

Alms for a beggar

Another figure emerged from an open garage

Fuck off mate unless you want to get hurt as well

I asked for alms did you not hear me?

You are meat you fucking queer meet my fucking friend

The man lunged forward intending to stab the figure in the shadows but suddenly stopped he turned toward November and she saw that the knife had entered the man’s eye

He had a look of complete terror on his face

Don’t hurt me mate I only came along to hold her down maybe slap her I was not going to rape her honestly I never do

Then go away if I see you again I will remove your head

The smaller man scuttled towards the sole street light but stopped and fell to the ground

Why did you kill him?

Because he was not telling the truth

Who are you?

The figure retreated into the darkness without answering

November wiped her eyes and looked at the bodies of the two men she felt nauseous

I promise you I will not have bad dreams again I am so sorry so very sorry


November Patient was in her sleeping bag writing a letter to her distant companion

My Dearest Friend

My letter finds me in Germany as I am in the second year of an architectural course

We are studying inter-war factories or rather the remains of them as most were destroyed during the war or left to go to rack and ruin since

I am sharing a tent with Aoife an Irish girl who is very nice although she does tend to drink heavily

Yesterday we visited a factory lost deep in the forests of the area

It was totally derelict and I wondered why such a factory would have been built in the middle of nowhere

Due to its location the decay was organic and there was no graffiti to be seen apart from a comment I found on a toilet wall on the top floor of the building (I should have not really been there but I had split from the group)

I had drunk too much water and my bladder was bursting and to my surprise I found a lavatory which was working amongst all the dereliction

I was pissing when I saw written in biro on the door the following comment

I wanted to be myself, only myself

Initially this meant little to me until Aoife told me that they had filmed some of the scenes from the Godard movie Le Mepris here in 1963

I wonder if Bardot had pissed there as I did in that lonely lavatory in 1963 when shooting the movie

I wonder if she was unhappy

At present I am looking at the moon through the light blue canvas of my tent

It is very beautiful

Aoife is getting drunk with the other savages but I am alone in the tent thinking about Major Tim in the orbiting space station

If I had had a brother I would have liked it to be Major Tim

I admire bravery in a man and what is why we are firm friends

Last night when the others had gone to bed I sat by the dying embers of the camp fire and copied out a rather poor poem that I had found recently

Grey Brown Winter Light

Pink Clouds Turning White

Lost in the Foothills of the Night

I burnt it and watched as the charred ashes of the poem drifted upwards

Hopefully Major Tim saw the remains passing the space station

And read the hopeless poem

I am wearing the sweatshirt you sent me as although it is summer it does get chilly at night

As you are aware I do not know where you are (you always surprise me) but wherever you are do keep safe



Although December is ok (joke)


The Union Jack that flew over Vailima was brought and laid over him and the Samoans passed in procession each kneeling and kissing the hand of their master

November was standing the background comforting some of the weeping women

The request of Sosimo his faithful body-servant was granted and all through the night the Roman Catholic Prayers for the Dead were recited in Latin and Samoan.

By the flashing light of torches two hundred good men hacked a path up the side of the mountain

Both November and Edith brought them endless cups of tea but the men hardly stopped

Another body of men dug the grave on the summit

By morning the task was complete

The coffin of Stevenson with the ensign of the Casco over it was carried up the steep path

It was carried high by powerful Samoans and a beggar who had been found nearby

The Reverend. W. E. Clarke read the Burial Service and Stevenson’s own prayer that he had read to his family and November on the evening before he died.

November stayed on the island until the August of 1914

She left as she found life under the German Occupation harsh and unhappy

On the 30th of August that year a force of New Zealanders liberated Samoa without interference from the Germans

The following day a royal salute was fired as the Union Jack was slowly run up a flagstaff to strains of the British National Anthem

On the lonely summit of a mountain three miles away the grave of Robert Louis Stevenson became part of the British Empire again


November lay slouched on a sandbank not far from the sea

Her companion was listening to French popular music

He was wearing headphones

Nobody was dancing on the beach

What are you listening to?

Marie Laforet

Do I know her?

The Girl with the Golden Eyes

No I have never heard of her

November was reading a biography of Stevenson

She was wearing jeans and a jasper shirt as the sun was strong and she was slightly burnt

She longed to swim

But decided to read

As she was reading the book which she had purchased from a bookshop on the island the previous week a soiled newspaper cutting fell out

It was a review of the book she was reading and dated from 1923

On the reverse of the cutting there was grainy photograph taken during the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun

The photograph showed Howard Carter unravelling a large scroll

November could not see anything else as the newspaper cutting had been cut in half

Do you know that he opened the tomb with a chisel given to him by his grandmother on his seventeenth birthday?


Yes that is a fact I kept it in my bag so it would not be stolen

As the sun weakened November and her companion swam in the shallows near to the jetty

The sea was red gold and jasper

In the distance she could hear a bell tolling

Keep swimming

Shall we not head for the jetty?

Do not worry as the golden crabs are here

Are you sure?

I am sure

November felt her companion touch her hand


Do dive

She followed her friend as he skimmed the sandy ridges of the sea

And then he vanished

November searched for him for an hour but knew that he was gone and when she returned to the villa she found it boarded up and derelict


On her birthday November Patient was taken to Marlborough and asked to choose a book from the many shelves in front of her

After an hour she decided that an 1862 edition of Voltaire’s work would make a suitable gift

It has previously been owned by a Richard Matthey

Who had annotated the book with his name and bookplate

Richard Matthey Paris 1879  

How exotic the book felt in her hands

As she left the shop and headed towards the college

She passed a beggar

Who was soaking wet

As it was raining hard

Alms for the poor

The beggar muttered with his head bowed

November’s father threw a coin in the direction of the beggar

This will pay for your bed and board for a week now be off with you as this is my daughter’s birthday



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