My Mother

It is so nice to see you again Joe

You look tired

Scotland is a long way

A friend cancelled

So I thought I would pop by

Is Josie expecting you

Yes and no

She is seeing Cora off

Such a pretty girl

I agree

The Dark Lady of the Sonnets

Very much

Have you been reading the papers Joe

Some of the time

Did you read about that seventy five thousand year old skull


How clever some people are

As they imagined her features

It was stunning

But one thing did strike me

Which some might find rather unkind

I think I know what you are going to say

Before you were born Daddy and I were in Australia

It was an exchange

We enjoyed every moment

And sometimes helped to care

For the Aboriginal types

As many were resident in seas of alcohol

It was very sad as they just sat under the sun

In a deep daze totally unaware of the world

Many people tried to help them but without success

I am drifting from the subject Joe

When I saw the photograph in the newspaper

I could not help but to think how in a way it resembled

The Aboriginal people that we tried to help

What are your thoughts Joe

The same can be said of primates and the negroid races

Although vastly denied it is plain as day

Many clever men have noted this

Whilst the stupid ones have challenged them

There is a very visible food chain out there

Some races are more advanced than others


It is obvious if one thinks about it

God gave us all a level playing field

So why is the world the way it is

I can see that you might upset people with your views Joe

I often upset blind and stupid people

You are very much like your father

But he was gentler than you and less direct

It would not be cricket for the local vicar

To go around expressing this view and that view

It might upset the sweet ladies who make the cakes

What did you think of my fathers views

I totally agreed with him on most subjects

But I kept my opinions discreet

It is better that way

We are all the Children of God

Tea Joe

I thought you would never ask


Village Marmalade


The railway food was inedible

British Rail sandwiches

Far worse

Poor Joe

Poor tired Joe

Let your mother care for you

As I used to do during those happy years