Cheese & Crackers

Joe are you okay

Mummy has just messaged me to say that you were poorly

Where are you

I am still at the airport

Cora is just getting this and that

She sends her love

Do you want me to come down after I see Cora off

There is no need

You are never ill

I know but I have been infected by –

Joe I know what you are going to say

Just do not go down that avenue as it will only damage you

I just want to hold you in my arms

And watch you sleep on my breasts

Mills & Boon Josie

I am pretty gastric

Which is not nice

More David Cronenberg that Mills & Boon

Mummy is looking after me

Are you eating

Cheese & Crackers

Whenever I was ill it was Cheese & Crackers

You are still her little boy

She sees so much of Daddy in you

But you are a far nicer person Josie

I am more gentle than you yes but you are the kindest person I know

Mummy once said that Daddy was the nicer version of you without all the pain

I will come down Joe as I feel empty without you and although this might sound selfish I will miss Cora

Mummy will be so happy to see you

I will meet you at the station

Funny Man Joe

Are you in bed

No I am in the Drawing Room

I feel that I have slept too much

I am just listening to some classical music

What is Mummy doing

Fussing as normal

It is not often that Joe shows up feeling grotty

All of the sudden I was Sick Boy Joe

But not in the normal context

To actually see you will make her day

Joe and Josie under one roof

I will tell her that you are coming

Can I bring anything

Not that I can think of just arrive safely

The last time you were ill with the flu

The imported flu

Behave Joe

You told me that you had some seriously weird dreams

Yes they fucked up my poems for a while

Have you had any more


Describe them to me

You have a peculiar interest in dreams

So did Freud

I did dream

Was it fucked up

Depending what fucked up means

Do tell me

Well it was a quite simple dream as I went around assassinating members of the malignant left who I so dislike

It was all the usual suspects plus a couple of corrupt union officials

For some reason I was in their kitchens

They were eating breakfast

I just waited until they looked up

And blew their brains out

How horrible Joe

Your virus has caused you to hallucinate

It was so clear

I then left a calling card

Judge Jury Executioner

I just wanted to let them realise that they had sinned

And I was God’s executioner

It was the look of realisation in their eyes

Enough Joe

I do not want to hear that dream

You asked

It was a dream of a psychopath

Scratch the surface Josie

I know all about your theories

Please Joe

Just be my gentle brother

You have had a terrible dream

I woke up feeling cleansed

It was a strange feeling

As I was still feeling shitty

Joe you are in desperate need of TLC

You have driven too fast and your demons are attacking you

Try not to reveal too much to Mummy

When you are well we can discuss your dream

You are such a fucking dream junkie

I never said that I was perfect

Joe will you forgive me as Cora is coming back

Her flight has been called

I am such a bitch

All I ask is that you arrive safely

I will sit opposite Mummy

In Daddy’s old armchair

She likes me to do so

I should be in the village by about ten

Get a cab order it in advance

I will eat on the way

You know Mummy

Just be there when I arrive

In an English Cottage under an English Sky

Joe and do not take this the wrong way

But I do feel that this Joe & Josie apart from the assassinations and the assumption that all illnesses are spread by those who should not be here in our lovely country

That you are mellowing

It may be the virus

Or is your pen getting lighter

Is your poetry creeping into your ink

Fuck Off Josie

Fuck You Too

See you later Sis and yes I do feel that my pen is becoming more lyrical in its behaviours

It is all you fault you know

Joe & Josie