Meeting Killer


Trust you are well from about ten minutes ago when we last spoke

Although I tried to hide Mummy dragged me around to see Aunty Doreen

When we arrived I thought that she was watching a Tod Browning movie called Freaks which was made in 1932

But she was watching the Eurovision Song Contest

I was nailed to a chair and forced to watch it

It was horrible as I had never seen so many faggots since I was last in Iceland (the shop silly girl)

This said I thought Eden Golan was quite beautiful and although she reached the heights of fifth she was never going to win was she

I wonder why

I am still thinking about that one

The thing that won it said it all about the malignancy of the event – fuck knows what it was – I thought it might be a rugby player for Shirt Lifters RFC – who knows

As I was being tortured I wondered what soldiers facing the reality of war on the front line might of thought as this confectionery came to its fixed conclusion

I have been invited back today as Aunty Doreen wants me to meet her new dog which is so small that it gets attacked by snails – I think she has named it Killer

Run away Joe Run away
Come back another day

Come and get me sis
I will treat you to a new vibrator
Your choice seriously

Joe is scared xxx
Very scared xxxx