We Need to Talk About Joe (Sea)

He was an odd boy Joe was an odd child

Who liked to visit the scenes of major train accidents

His only rule was that twenty years history

Twenty years history

Twenty years would need to have passed

Since the accident

A boy has to have his hobbies

Trains are such fun

He would also visit the graves

Of poets and writers

I can understand that as he is a poet himself

It was okay until he tried to find

The final resting place of Hart Crane

I can see your point Audrey

Also from a very young age he liked

Sharing baths with his sister

Most children like sharing sibling baths

It gives them a sense of security

I agree but they still do it now

Josie sends me all their home movies

Joe is now

The Mayor of London

Big Nose is no longer in charge

Will he make any changes

He already has

All the tube lines

Are now named after

French Symbolist Poets

Trans men will have to wear

Suits of Armour

And work at great heights

Seems common sense to me

Will Josephine be his deputy

No her new passion Cora

Will be Joe’s deputy


Because Josephine want to be Queen

The Queen is dead

Is she

So sad

Charlie Boy is in charge


I will tell Josephine

She will be upset

Where is Joe today

He did not show up for work

Perhaps he has been assassinated

It does happen sometimes

A bullet in the right place as they say

There is talk that he is writing War Poetry

Is he on the Front Line

No the Rimbaud Line

Where is he

I am sorry but that is Confidential

Mummy stop now

Even Joe is allowed ro have hissecrets



Is your Dyslexia playing you up again

Fuc Noze

No he has been exiled to

Have you been taking your pills


You are not walking around with your twenty four hour erections again

Stoke on Bent

Why did you say Stoke on Trent

What a silly bunt I am

I will give Josie a call

You are having one of your turns

Am I sad mad and dangerous to no Mummy

No no is quite safe darling

Where is Josie

That is queasy


Sje is between Cora’s begs

I can zee vem grom hear

Joe turn the fucking camera off when you are speaking to Mummy

Ruck of Ditch
