Tender is the Night

Don’t you worry I surrender
Days are long and life’s a bender
Still I know that
Tender is the Night.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Darling Josie

Here is piece you might like

I wish I could write like that

Here are my thoughts from home

I am getting very pissed off with this GE as it is an excuse for every piece of shit to rise to the surface

I must say it is getting boring listening to Corbyn bleating on about the centralist Labour Party excluding the malignant left from the mainstream

It was always going to happen

You were once the leader of the said party

But are now part of its sordid history

It was a rather long fall – retire and fade and do everybody a favour

I was going to say die soon

But that would not be nice so I took it out

Would Fuck Off do

Your thoughts sis

Re the Catherine Tate look alike who sold her council house – I cannot believe that she is supporting Abbott to return as an MP – I have always thought that the Tories had some daft MPs but Abbott apart from having a bad taste in wigs is an absolute car crash – same advice to you as with Corbyn retire and fade

My tip to you all – do not vote just for the party of your choice but think of the issues local to you – if the Pink Blancmange Party said that they would stop the illegals here in Kent then they would get my X …..even though they have raised the skool leaving age to 43

It is all a load of shit really

This will most likely get me suspended again – the truth hurts does it not

Off to see SSI and his latest girlfriend

He is such a fine illustrator

There are all too few of them these days

We are meeting at the Blue Cade Cafe

Be wicked and adventurous sis

Give my love to Cannes

Better still write me poem

Joe xxx