That Odd Looking Chap


I do trust that you are fully recovered and have not disgraced yourself

Do you remember the hotel room in Cadiz

It was pretty gruesome

You totally ruined your summer dress

Here in Richmond

Ian Duncan-Field has asked me to pen a short article

About the fringe and the we should not be taking them so seriously parties

There are a few but one stands out but more later

Do you remember Mummy telling us how she worked with the Liberals at a couple of elections

In those days they were the third choice

But now they are like a piece of shit left down a bog at a service station

They are that insipid

Their leader fuck knows his name has been engaged in a number of stunts

Like falling off a paddleboard near a sewage outlet or going down a water slide with one of his helpers

Boris times two

I popped him a mail yesterday suggesting that he considers a skydive

Preferably without a parachute

As I think that it would spread his profile

The Green Party fuck me off even though Peanut Head has resigned

They are about as green as Bagpuss

And are just another left leaning fringe party

They are being used as a vehicle for others

As I said recently the trouble with General Elections is that the shit

Rises to the surface – every cunt has an opinion

Left and Right

It is very tedious

Some say that it is democracy

I say that it is an absurdity

Voltaire Voltaire Voltaire

Is often quoted at me

I agree with the great man

But one has to use common sense

Like many I think it will be a Labour victory

And we will have a centralist government

Which as long as men do not wear dresses

(or designer trouser suits)

And Homosexual Conversion Therapy

Is available on the NHS

Then things will be okay

This will satisfy many kind souls

It is rather like being asked at your execution

What colour blindfold would you like

(red please as it goes with the blood)

I could go on but I am getting angry

(and Mummy reads a lot of my political stuff)

As I mentioned I caught up with SSI and his new girlfriend

She is very pleasant girl and reminds me of Petra Kelly a little

He has agreed to illustrate my poems

As soon as he has helped Ari Shalom

Remember that name Sis as his poetry is amazing

The Girl With No Eyes is outstanding

He has asked if he might dedicate his book

To us both which is a lovely gesture

It has made me very happy

You should be shit and showered by now

It is a torture on the beach

I am moving at present (locally) as Martha wants a chat

Send me a selfie if you will as I want to see if you look shitty

Mummy once said that if you dressed in a sack

You would still be very beautiful

Which I agree with

But I do remember Cadiz

How are your tan lines Josie

I do love your tan lines

Describe them to me

Virginia is missing you

Richmond is missing you

Joe is missing you

Chat later Sis

Joe xxx