Josie on the Mend

Hi Josie

Marie-Claude contacted me to say that you are much improved

Taking Stella out in the sun was probably not the greatest of ideas

Your video still has not arrived if you sent it at all

I chatted to Mummy earlier and she certainly has not received it so a dream is a dream is a dream (joking)

I did not make an excuse and said that you had run into a dear friend and were travelling for a while

She knew that you disliked the woman and was not offended (is mummy ever offended)

Here are two pieces of news from the UK which you might find amusing especially as one is from a part of Wiltshire that we both know well

A row has broken out in a military town after the council erected an LGBT Pride flag next to a war memorial.

Residents of Ludgershall, Wilts, branded the positioning of the flag an “insult” to veterans, and two people tore it from its post and vandalised it.

I love it – it seemed that the local council were behind the idea and fucked off most of town – when will these people get it through their heads that anal intercourse is a bestial act and should not be even mentioned let alone celebrated

The other piece is about the alarming rise of gone to the rear cases in the UK – as you might guess it is the usual suspects

However one area has shown a worrying increase – I need not say where that lies

Instead of insulting people with rainbow this and that we should be looking to bring back an updated version of Section 28 – that is just common sense

Some say that one should be free to love which from a philosophical point of view is true

You can love someone of your gender as love is an abstract emotion

I cannot say that I love any of my male friends but I care for them

Alpha Male Joe cares but this does not mean he wants to fuck them up their arses

Your cunt is all I desire

The whole pride thing has very sinister drivers and it is about time that the authorities cared

It is Kafka on LSD

It is that preposterous

Daddy said that the UK became less safe after 1967 and I agree with him

Joe Joe Shut Up Joe Fucking Shut Up Joe

Josie has been poorly and you are on your soapbox

Sorry Sis but without you I sit here and stew

The Sixth of June is nearly upon us and like many I wonder what these brave men would have made of this cesspit on a country that we sometimes have to endure

Perhaps I should have taken the cloth as Daddy hoped I might do

Daddy is gone yet so much of him remains within me

Nuff said as his date is quite near – in a very silly way I am glad that he suffered the death of poet

Do reply when you can – Cora is concerned – but you will be okay – Josie sometimes abandons Josie – it is nothing to worry about as Joe often spends quality time in the abyss

Please make me aware of your schedule sis

All okay here off to vandalise some more Pride posters – a girl does not have any rest

Mummy sends her love and so so eye

Joe xxx