Behind the Mask

Darling Josephine

God is not punishing you

Far from it as he is not a malicious God

You have not sinned

Not in the slightest

Yours in a special love

There is nothing sordid about you

You are a very special girl

As Joe is a special boy

I am so proud of you both

You are both identical so very identical

You look alike you and act in similar ways

You walk along identical paths

As children Daddy and I tried to spot differences

But these were hard to find

Joe was full of fire and you were ice

But I was not fooled

You speak of your passions

Well here is a bombshell

Before I met your father

I was attracted to girls

(big secret I still am)

I had many affairs

And then Daddy came along

Your passions are nothing to be guilty about

They are quite natural

Before you knew it yourselves I knew that you and Joe

Would at some time become physical

It was quite obvious to me

The looks the touches and everything else

As I have said before it is a pure love

Unlike all of the corruption seen today

Joe is not Christlike you only see him that way

He is very strong and you crave that strength

But remember Joe does go on his savage pilgrimages

Josephine you are so like me

If I had had a brother then who knows

Daddy was my Christlike figure

I needed him and miss him greatly

But you both now give me strength

I am so proud of you both

You say that you are easy

What is easy

You sleep with other girls

So what

As far as I know you do not sleep with other men

Men are more difficult

They are needy whereas women tend to be more-

Well you know this and yes I know that you and Joe share lovers

And whilst Daddy and I did not do this

Neither of us disapproved of the idea

I can imagine the look of surprise on your face

Cora Dear Cora her command of English is not so strong

As she called Joe and Josie her lovers when we went shopping together for the first time

Poor Mrs Taylor in the Lime Brick Cafe

Joe although very principled is not an angel but he would never betray you

He does get offers but he prefers platonic friendships

That is unless you are also in his bed

That is the way he works

Josie you are not ill far from it

You will not recover because there is nothing to recover from

You are as sane as I am

The Abyss is nothing more than a hyper reality that is all

It is nothing to be scared of

I visit it often you know

Will close now Josephine

You are not on the mend

As you were never broken

Please feel free to talk to me

As I am always here

Joe is hiding this from me a little

But I know what is happening

He cares you care I care

What a Trinity we are

Mummy xx