God in Canterbury


I do hope this finds you

As you know I suffer from the odd ear infection

I have one at present eczema bloody eczema

It makes my hearing a bit muffled

So if I am spoken to

I will point to my ear

Just to be polite

Sometimes I feel abandoned by God

As it irritates me like a hang nail

I was in Canterbury yesterday

Beautiful Beautiful Canterbury

When a beautiful lad of about twenty

Approached me

He looked to be Spanish

And was handing out leaflets

He was a member of an evangelical organisation

A tradition within the Christian Church

I pointed to my ear

And as I did so he touched his heart

I shook his hand which was soft

As the hand of Jesus Christ

I knew then that God had spoken too me

Just like the Miracle of Chippenham

I felt God so very strongly

But I need to add something else

Which is strange as it is so strange

The lad was not alone

As a girl who was almost your double

Was speaking to people as they passed

I then thought how the lad

Bore a striking resemblance to me

We are identical twins

With a strong Spanish heritage

The lad looked to be a Spanish Raven

As I walked away towards the railway station

I was deep in thought about God Jesus and Josephine

How I envy Cora at present holding you in her arms

I am not jealous far from it Dear Josie

I just feel the love

God did speak to me

But by being the idiot I am I do not understand

Possibly if I commit this to paper

Then others will share my thoughts

Which might comfort them

Who knows

I am sitting next to Virginia

She is ignoring me as normal

But I know that she sends her love

It is damp in Richmond today

The Great English Summer

I also send my love

When you next set up camp

Let me know where you are

We are all loved you know

More than we can imagine

Joe x