The Ten Commandments


I am sitting here naked thinking of you

With my legs slightly apart

As it so fucking hot

Poor Joe so many miles away

But I know that you can see me

I had an interesting conversation yesterday

With the great grandson of Roger Price

Who the fuck is Roger Price you might ask

He was the chap who said that he found

Two new commandments adding to the ten

He was dismissed as a fraud and a religious nut job

But that is far from the truth as Peter Price

Told me that these two extra commandments

Were actually discovered in Thessaloniki in 1919

They were found in a church during a restoration

Fuck knows how they got there

And that is where Roger came in

He recognised the importance of the find

And contacted the Archbishop of Canterbury

What happened next is confusing

As Roger was soon mocked in the English press

It seemed that the Church was running scared

Strings were pulled in very high places

But he was not beaten recognising that the world

Was not ready and it was not the time for exposure

He decided to hide these extra commandments sealed in a tin box

Roger contacted his brother

Who worked on the London Underground

They arranged for these

Two extra commandments

To be walled up

In one of the tunnels

Somewhere on the network

Hopefully to be found at a later date

When the world might accept them

Peter has no idea of their location but knows that they were found

Daddy did mention this in passing do you remember

He believed that it happened

Why would Peter lie to me

Poor Mad Josie

There is no clue to what these commandments were

Although I imagine that you might suggest something

As you are familiar like many with the original ten

  • Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” …
  • “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.” …
  • “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” …
  • “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” …
  • “Honour thy father and thy mother.” …
  • “Thou shalt not kill.” …
  • “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” …
  • “Thou shalt not steal

I wonder what they were

Most of these are broken in a daily basis

You and I are not innocents

Cora is walking around as naked as I am

I am lusting after her raven bush

I can taste it

Am I a sinner

I lust after you my own brother

Am I a sinner

Or am I just quite mad

I have tried to examine why I had a breakdown

You said that I drowned in happiness


Although I do not fully understand your reasoning

End of mail Joe

Cora and I are visiting Thessaloniki next week

As the church is still standing

I do expect anything but my dreams

Josie xxx