Rachel lives in Argentina

Well this is a blast from the past

It is

Where are you living

In Argentina

Really it is a great country

I am really into football

And was so happy

When my country won the cup

(even though I come from Deal)

I loved the song about the French National Side

That has caused a bit of a stink over here


Because those who were looking to be offended

Checked in with control and were told to be offended

Oh you mean the type who check the colour of their skin

As if it is the most important thing in their life

Spot on Rachel

You know every inch of my skin Joe

Do you remember it

Very much

You had great breasts

And a bush to die for

I also loved your arse

How old were you when I seduced you

I was just legal


I could have been sent to prison you know

As I was your teacher

That is a fucking stupid law

Once you are legal you are legal

But if you are a teacher or similar

Then you are banged up

When you seduced me in that Wimpy Bar

I felt that I was a lucky lucky vicars son

I knew that you were brilliant even then

Even though there were only seven years

Between us you have left me behind

Is there anybody special in your life

Only my fingers sadly only my fingers at present Joe

Are you still with Josie

Very much

You are the only incestuous identical twins

That I have ever met

Were you in a relationship then

No that came later

But we were masturbating together

And travelling around each other

When Mummy and Daddy were away

So I was the first girl you fucked


How did you find me

I went to the Wimpy Bar

Funny Man Joe

I have always liked your sense of humour Joe

It is so dry

Is Josie there as I would like to say Hi

She is in Greece at present with Cora

Her latest passion

I think this is quite serious

How do you feel about it

I actually encourage Josie’s passions

She has always been a bi girl

But I thought you disliked homosexuality

I do but only in men

I see it as Krafft-Ebing once saw it

In his  Psychopathia sexualis

The Bible also influences me greatly

Like my late father I see it as an illness

But not in women

As I agree with many other learned people

That bisexuality in women is perfectly normal

Which translated means that most women

If they are true to themselves are bisexual

Wow Joe you have left me behind

I am just a modest maths teacher

Are you planning to return to the UK

Not at present as Argentina suits me

The men here are real men

It is also predominantly white

I feel comfortable here

My job took me to Belgium last year

And I came back feeling I needed a shower

It disgusted me

Such was the pollution


Grace has arrived

She is like a sister to me

I will close

Let us not be strangers

As yes I do read your work

For some reason I never got around

To contacting you

I knew that you were somewhere out there

Julie mentioned it

Fair Julie

Is she still is an English Rose


Lets not lose contact Joe

Certainly not

I am a happy Joe

Chat soon my friend

Please send my love to Josie