The Martyrdom of an Unidentified Saint

Dearest Kanada

Thank you so much for your photographs

I am so glad that you left my only bra

As a homage to James Dean

The weather in London has been dreadful recently

And has been killing off large numbers of bees much to my distress

I have enclosed an Israeli book mark for you

Which has twelve trapped stamps from the Promised Land

Yesterday an unidentified saint was martyred in front of my flat

He spoke to me briefly before his execution

His name was Keg and was present with two Roman soldiers at the moment of Christ’s Resurrection

Later he announced the resurrection to the scribes

And was asked to remain silent

He refused

And departed for Jerusalem telling anybody who listened

That Jesus was the True God

Soldiers were sent out to arrest him

He offered them hospitality

Which they did not accept

He was decapitated and his head was left on the ground

A golden halo surrounded it

The Jews gave gifts to the erring soldiers

And later brought the head to Pontius Pilate

Who ordered that it be thrown on to a manure pile outside of the city walls

The following day the saint appeared to a blind woman and requested that she might locate the manure pile and retrieve his head

The blind woman after difficulty found the saint’s head and was commanded to kiss it

Which she did

Her sight returned

She saw the saint standing with her new born son in his arms

The child was named Keg

I believe my unidentified saint came from Asia Minor although he might have been of Maltese origin

On the night before his execution I slept with his sister

Her name was Ko

Please do not think less of me

As I miss you greatly

Do enjoy the Walt Whitman book I sent you

I admire his poems

Although I was saddened to learn that he had never visited Malta


I cannot wait to hold you in my arms again

Valerie x



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