In a Land of Plenty

Hi Joe



A hole in the ground containing water


Very much


In Greece

Lucky girl

Lucky Greece

I am told that you know Canterbury well

I do

I was there recently

And was blown away by the beauty of the city

Possibly with the exception of Bath

It is the most beautiful city in the UK

But there is something that spoils it

Does it begin with H and end with S

Spot on Joe

As I was strolling not far from the city walls near to the eastern station

I found that are area had been contaminated by those who consider themselves homeless


You know always a sob story

They pollute the shop doorways

And now are polluting Canterbury

Are they local

I doubt it

So it is like the seaside resorts

Very much

They just choose to come to places that seem rather nice

What is the council doing about it

What is a council

You know bunches of idiots who have lost touch with reality

It is like that in every city town and village I know

When asked the Canterbury Council said that they had been in touch with one of those touchy feely do gooder charities

What are those

You know the ones who think that illegal refugees are actually human

We stray

What are these charities suggesting

They note that there is a problem

Yes I know my eyes have been offended

And that these poor people should have places to go

But the council notes that they cannot make these people move off of the streets

Into any special accommodation offered


Yes it is just absurd

If they want to stay on the streets then that is their choice

I always thought that begging and loitering was illegal

To my knowledge it still is

But why do the cops not do anything

They are too busy solving hate crimes such as tracking down the hardened criminals who so vandalised those beautiful rainbows recently

If these people are local then treat them as locals and act accordingly

If they are not from Canterbury then just tell them to fuck off

Back to the shit holes where they originated from

This should apply to anywhere that there is a problem

And if they refuse

Then bang them up

But Labour is emptying the prisons

I know

In a Land of Plenty

Always be aware of the –

I know what you are going to say

Beware of the Tyranny of the Stupid

Joe & Steve