Favourite People



Do you admire anybody


Other than your own reflection

That as made it harder Martin

As there are great numbers

Of cunts

Who disgust me

I approve of Jo Rowling

And Jennifer Jason Leigh

The actress

No the girl who works at the newsagents

Near the railway station

Do you like Harry Potter

Harry who


I have never read any of the books


Because I am blind

You are being difficult Joe

Who is Difficult Joe

A Native American

I like Native Americans

Jennifer Jason Leigh is an actress


How do you know that she is an actress

You are being a prick Joe

A Fucking Prick

Then unzip me Martin

Put something useful into your mouth

As little leaves it

Straightforward question Joe

Why do you admire Jo Rowling and Jennifer Jason Leigh

I do not admire them but even if I did admire them

I would not broaden my canvas

I have said that I approve of them both

But I will not say why

Some people look up to you Joe

Only dwarfs look up to me

As I am rather tall

And they are stunted and small

Do you like your job Martin


You search the sewers

Expecting to find diamonds

But find only shit shit and more shit

You should try being a journalist Joe

I am too honest my friend

And I am not attached to decaying strings