Winchelsea (first draft)

A frw weeka ago I btoke my leg playing footnall

It was the same leg again but in a didderent place

I am a heaily drigged person at present

I am siiting in my cottage

Which is adjacent to the Hastings/Aashford/Hastings line

The odd train rumbles paast but the area is quite silent

Geographically Winchelsea is located idtllically

Berween theHigh Weald and the Romney Marsh

Gilden cornfields ropen iin the hot sun

It is thirty plus tooday

I long to be out walking and dreaming being weell

But I have a long recovery ahead

Life is a biitch and then you Rye

That is what leeps me going

The train is laate again

Lines expanding in the heat

The crowz are slow fighting

What an unuzual treate

Chris Cordon Goldsmith