Special Day

In a field not far away

Courting pheasants

Pass the feeding rabbits

Whilst the doomed cows graze

Without effort

Unaware of their mortality


The sickly mayor

Proclaims his love for the Queen

People cheer

But do not really care

I am always suspicious of happiness

The girl from the hat shop notes

To her disinterested friend


In a hotel

Young lovers explore

Each other’s bodies

And wonder

If their future child

Will organise the Prince’s Jubilee


There are many flags

In the High Street

Moving gently in the April breeze

Children sing African songs

One has to remember the Commonwealth you know

Whilst the great and good

Smile with a hidden embarrassment


Drinks have been reduced in price

First round free

And old men gather together

Muttering beneath their breath

That the cowards lost the Empire



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