Elizabeth Báthory

Hi Joe

Hi Margit

Are you still in Germany

Yes in sunny Berlin

Have you been listening to the news


The reason that I ask relates to an article in Stern

It seems that two g** girls

Have been accused of the most gruesome of murders

Have you heard of Elizabeth Báthory

Yes she is supposed to have bathed in the blood of v******

Well these girls went hunting for v*****

And came across an i****** in Munich

They took him back to their apartment

F***** his brains out and c** his t*****

They then bathed in his v***** b****

That is where it all went wrong

As they soon realised that the i******

Was far from being a v*****

And was riddled with d******

They handed themselves in

And are awaiting trial

I do not think that they will be locked up in a bricked room

Possibly a fine or a bit of community service

(do you have that in the UK)

(No everybody is sent to prison these days)

It illustrates to me that history goes in circles

Very much Margit

Give Berlin my love as I miss it so much

It misses you

I am still wanted by the authorities

Even after all these years

All because I had friends in N*D*

You are loyal friend J**

We must get together when you return

Lizzie B from SW3

Invites you to dinner

That sounds great

I will take you up on that

Do you know that G**

Spoke to my father

In the minutes after I was born

In essence he asked

What you like J** to become

A Poet

A Footballer

Or an U**** T********

Daddy chose the first one

As he thought it would be safer

A footballer yes

But one crude tackle

Might end things

An U**** T********

I think that he thought hard about that one

As even though he was a man of the cloth

He despised authority and corruption

And thought that I would be better served

With my pen as a weapon instead of an U**

J** of the Ambiguities x**