The Railway Children

Hi Joe

I know how much you like the railways

Here is some news that will make you happy/unhappy

Quoting the BBC

We want the same pay deal as drivers, says the RMT boss

They expect a parallel, synchronised offer to that offered to drivers’ union Aslef on Wednesday.

Yes the government has caved in

Even though the purse is supposed to be empty

Like me you think that public facing services

Should not be allowed to strike by law

That said there has to be trust on both sides

There should be no hidden agendas

In your fucking dreams

That is why this country is decaying Joe

But you already know that

I wonder where this extra dosh is going to come from

Just attack the weak and those who have no voices

That is the way forward

Reward the greedy

And make sure that when the winter arrives

That they are nice and warm

You cannot make this up

It is so absurd

Obscene is the word

That springs to mind
