The Hit Man and the Angel

Michael was dying

He knew that he was dying

The crowd that had gathered around him

Knew that he was dying

Two bullets had entered his lung

He was drowning slowly in his own blood

As he lay on the sidewalk

He saw an angel

With a message from God

God forgives you

God forgives all his children

The angel bathed the sweat

That had formed on his face

Just keep it out of my eyes

He asked

As I want to see the road to Heaven

Deep in the night sky above Vegas

Michael saw a light

It was heading slowly towards him

But what of my sins?

They have been forgiven

I have killed many men

And they have forgiven you

They await you in Heaven

The column of light reached Michael

And the angel lifted him into her arms

And they were taken by the light

Upwards towards Heaven

Gangway please move madam

The paramedics are here

Can you not see he is already dead?

The police began to disperse the crowds

And the son of one of his many victims

Closed Michael’s eyes

And covered him with a police blanket



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