Molly’s Time

In the summer most days were identical on JJ Williams Greek island

Molly was on the narrow balcony that overlooked the garden

JJ was at his typewriter

Today he was writing a short poem

Called Turner’s Daughter

It was to be set in Margate

Molly’s home town

I was sitting in the shadow of the lifeguard’s hut

When a woman wearing a multi-coloured dress

Sat beside me

I looked at her as there was plenty of space on the beach

Do you mind?


I know it is improper but to appreciate the Margate Light one has to sit in the shadows

It is a very special light

I know it was my reason for coming to Margate

Where do you live?

On a quiet Greek island

Are you Greek?


Margate is Molly’s home town

My father used to live in Margate just over there where the gallery is now

He was a great artist and travelled far but never forgot the light of this town

What is your name?

Molly my name is Molly

Molly was sitting on a casual chair opposite JJ

What are you writing?

A poem about Margate

I miss Margate do you?

How can you miss Margate when everything is so beautiful here?

My father used to live in Margate just over there where the gallery is now

He was a great artist and travelled far but never forgot the light of this town

What is your name?

Molly my name is Molly

Molly walked towards the small window

I am going for a swim will you join me?

No I am writing

I wish you would build a swimming pool in the garden

What is the sea for Molly?

But other people swim in the sea

You are very unsociable this morning

I dreamt of the dead sailors again

I was swimming in the cove in front of the Church when a sailor many years old rose from the sea 

What did you do?

I covered myself

The woman wearing the multi-coloured dress stood up and offered her hand to me

Walk with me towards the sea

We walked along the tide line towards the jetty as families enjoyed the sunshine

When I was returning to my island kingdom of Ithaca following the Trojan War I met many people both good and bad

For many years I was on Ogygia a far western isle the guest of Calypso

She offered me immortality if I stayed but I longed to return to my wife

What was your wife’s name?

Molly my wife’s name was Molly

Molly was glad that the beach was crowded as her dream still bothered her

She decided to swim in the shallows

No sailors bothered her

She watched as the sea changed colour

A Greek girl came up to her

Why are you not swimming in the deep waters?

Because I dreamt of sailors last night

Swim with me I will protect you from these errant sailors

What is your name?

My name is Nausicaa

My name is Molly

I know

For the next hour both women swam in the deep water and as they returned to the beach Molly looked at the Church

A priest stole a swift glance at the women before turning his head

I think that is the reason they stay and do not travel the world

This island is Heaven even with all these visitors

Everybody is seeking their own share of Heaven

Even the priests walking by

Do you think he thought us Sapphic?

Maybe maybe not but I will not deny him his pleasure

Would you join me for lunch?

Yes I would like to meet the shy writer

He is not shy he just does not like a fuss made of his work

I have not read his work you know

Many people haven’t it can be rather challenging

JJ was sitting at his type writer

Did you enjoy your swim?

Yes this is Nausicaa

I think we have met before or I have seen you at the beach

I usually go to the beach when I am free

Are we interrupting you?

No I have not written much this morning

Nausicaa and I will sit next to the pool do come down when you are ready

I’ve a Friend, over the sea;

I like him, but he loves me.

It all grew out of the books I write;

They find such favour in his sight.

The woman in the multi-coloured dress was sitting on the steps that led to the art gallery

I noticed that her dress was changing colour

Is that part of one of your works?

No it is part of a poem called Time’s Revenge by Robert Browning

The woman’s dress was now completely white

I do like your dress and how it changes colour at will

I am not wearing a dress

Are you sure?

Yes perfectly sure

The woman smiled

I am completely naked you know

But to anybody passing you appear to be wearing a white cotton dress

I assure you I am naked can you not see my breasts?

No I can see the shape of your breasts but I cannot see your breasts

That is common error

Please explain

It is easy really you expect to see me wearing a dress so you have created one in your mind all of the people near to us can see the dress

I may be wearing a yellow dress

I may be wearing a blue dress

I may be wearing a green dress  

It is their choice

Then why did I see you wearing a multi-coloured dress on the beach

Because you were thinking about the light

You created my dress for me

Why is in so pale now?

Because the steps are pale because the gallery is pale

I assure I am totally naked

I always walk around this town naked but nobody sees my nudity because they are not expecting to see me naked

Close your eyes what do you see?

The light streaming through my eyelids

Open them what do you see?

A woman sitting on the steps wearing a jade dress

Do you remember the time a few years ago when you bet Molly ten pounds that she would not run to the clock and back wearing only a jade vest

Yes just as the clock struck twelve

What happened?

She was stopped by the cops and was warned about her behaviour

Were the cops expecting to see Molly just in her vest?

I do not know

I expect that they were on the look-out for the normal drunken silliness

Exactly they were on the lookout for people being silly

Close your eyes what do you see?

I may be wearing a blue dress

I may be wearing a yellow dress   

I may be wearing a green dress  

I included the episode in the book I was writing at the time

Close your eyes

Nausicaa and Molly were sitting by the pool

JJ walked slowly towards them

He was carrying a book

A book of poems by Robert Browning

I leaned on the turf,

I looked at the rock

Left dry by the surf

The work of the summer sun

James Lee the uncompleted quote is from James Lee

Do you know that I have never noticed this swimming pool 

I use this lane every day

That is because it is not here

Molly stood up and dived into the pool

It is here look I am swimming

There is a small orchard in front of your house

Today there is a pool in front of my house

Have you read any of my books?


Why not?

You cannot buy them on the island

What about the internet?

They are in English I do not read English fluently

Then I shall translate them into Greek

Molly threw a tennis ball in the general direction of JJ

Stop bullying her

Come in and swim

I prefer to sit in the shade

I will join you Molly

Nausicaa jumped into the pool deliberately splashing her host

The long dead sailors

In the waters deep

Saw a maiden

And began to weep

Close your eyes what do you see

JJ woke up with a start

Both the women were stretched out on the loungers either side of him

Molly was feigning sleep

But Nausicaa was looking at him with her deep Greek eyes

Look at the pool what do you see?  

The pool

Look at the centre of the pool what do you see?

The centre of the pool

Look at the ripples what do you think is causing them?

Possibly the breeze

Maybe but I think we are having a minor earth tremor

Nausicaa placed her hand on the tiled surface under the sun lounger

Place you hand upon the tile

The island is speaking to you

JJ laid his palm on the tile but felt little

The island is silent again

Molly the island has been speaking to me again

Did you feel anything JJ?


Perhaps we do not feel things because we are strangers

The island has no borders

In 1917 there was a major earthquake in the area which killed a number of islanders

There was also a great loss of life at sea

The long dead sailors

In the waters deep

Saw a  maiden

And l began to sleep


I was on the beach again in Margate

The woman in the multi-coloured dress

Was still naked

And walking towards the church that was no longer there

From my vantage I could see her wearing a pale grey dress

The beach was beginning to empty

And the debris of the day

Lay in front of me

Plastic bottles and newspapers

Abandoned beach toys

I looked at the sky

It was beginning to change colour

A gecko scuttled across the sand

It stopped

Watch the day from the very high

Close your eyes and touch the sky

Do you not think that she had the finest breasts you have ever seen?



They were indeed fine

She reminded me of Helen of Troy

The name comes from The Odyssey

Odysseus was shipwrecked on the Isle of Scheria and was befriended by King Alcinous and his daughter Nausicaa

A banquet was arranged in his honour and it  was there that Odysseus revealed his true identity 

He was requested to tell the story of his wanderings and his time in the country of the Lotos eaters

Lotos eaters?

It is a plant that when eaten helps one to forget the past

In Margate the town clock struck twelve

Two cops were standing in its night shadow

We will put an end to this silliness

You are very right

This is a respectable town

Do you remember the woman in the jade vest?


We should have arrested her

I agree

Her bottom reminded me of Helen of Troy

That is why I let her off with a warning

The woman in the pale grey dress was sitting in the car park where the church used to be

She was consuming a Lotos plant

With a little hot water

She could see the cops

Through the open doors of the church

The church was bathing in the waters of the Lotos plant

It wanted to forget its past

Molly looked out of the small window in JJ’s study

May I invite Nausicaa to supper tomorrow?

How long have you known her?

I only met her yesterday whilst swimming

I have spoken to her many times

Her father is a fisherman

He died in 1917

During the terrible tempest caused by the earthquake

Does she miss him?

She sees him everyday

All daughters miss their fathers

He was once the King of this island

He had five daughters

Each was called Miranda

But when the sixth arrived

He called her Nausicaa

Which angered the God’s

An because of this the earthquake arrived

The King was lured out to sea by the promise of a golden shoal

But this was a falsehood

And he died with many others within the fearsome waves

On what day did the earthquake arrive?

The 8th of July

Today is the 8th of July

They found his body and cremated it on the beach

The very beach from which you swim

I was so upset I could not watch and hid in my carriage

They removed his heart and it still resides to this day

In his daughter’s secret casket

I was in my Margate flat when there was a knock at the door

It was the cops

We have reason to believe that unsafe substances are being smoked and eaten in this flat

They are and we are all naked officer please come in 

You are dressed sir

What do you see?

A jacket and trousers

Just you and me

There are two of you at my door

Three times six and many more

Does Molly live here?


May we speak to her?



Because she is with me in far off Greece

Would you please give her a message sir

What is the message?

That she reminds me of Helen of Troy and if she wants to dance around the town clock it is okay with the local police

I used the incident in my novel

I know

Have you read it?


They how do you know?

I read Greek extremely well

Write it again

Tell tell tell

I will sign your note book officer but your rhyme is rather forced you will need to work at the subtlety of your poetry it is mere doggerel  at present

JJ and Molly walked through the orchard towards the lane that led to the beach

JJ decided that he would remove the cliché of this description at a later date

He fully intended to enjoy the day and had decided not to write

He never wrote on the 9th of July

As an absent minded servant had locked him in his carriage

Nausicaa was already on the beach

She rose and kissed them on each cheek

2×2 = 4+2 =6

JJ thinks that you have fine breasts Nausicaa

He wants to them to be on the dust cover of his latest book

His publishers are very keen to feature your breasts 

Your breasts are also fine Molly

They are white and European

I am most flattered that you want to use my breasts to illustrate your new book but sadly I must decline the illustration


Because they are promised to the island

Look at those fishing boats what do you see?

Brightly coloured fishing boats ready for the morning sea

Examine the figureheads what do you see?

They are my breasts each on each of the boats

It brings the fishermen a fruitful passage and a safe return

If my fine breasts were to be found on the cover of your latest novel then we would risk making the God’s angry again

I have spoken to them and they are quite happy for a figurehead to be photographed and to be used as the main illustration on the cover on your new book

Whist the women were away

JJ searched through the ashes

Of the missing King

He searched and searched

For the golden ring  

Have many books have you written?


And you have been very successful

Quite successful

Do you have a secret?

No it was just luck

Being in the right place at the right time

Where is Margate?

On the Kent coast not that far from Dover

I am told it has a special light

It has

Like Venice?

Yes and no

Describe it to me

It is not an intense light as we have on this island but it is a very knowledgeable light

My father returned to it again and again

A waitress sat down next to JJ

Who was your father?  

My father was an artist

What are you doing in Greece?

Serving food and drink to the tourists

How well do you know Margate?

I have never been to Margate

Do you paint?

I am poor and the only employment I have is the decoration of the fishing boats

Do you know Nausicaa?

Yes she is my sister

Is your name Miranda


Where are your other sisters?

They are here

JJ looked up

You are all identical

Yes we are all identical

Why is Nausicaa so different?

She is identical can you not see that?

No it is not all apparent

Nausicaa is very dark whereas you and your sisters are fairer as if you have originated in Northern Europe

We are as dark as our sister

We are all Greek

When do you all finish?

We have never started

Then be at my pool within half an hour

We do not finish to three

Then make your excuses as my publisher is vising the island

As normal I was sitting in the shadow of the lifeguards hut

The hut was painted yellow and red

Alcinous assists Odysseus and aids his return to Ithaca where he meets his daughter Molly who has been searching for him all over the Mediterranean for many years

Between them the kill and maim the remaining sailors who have been courting the chaste women of the island

The naked woman invites me into her studio

She is wearing the dress of many colours again

On the wall of her studio there is a large oil painting

That is almost complete

She has named it

Coastal Landscape with Fishermen Launching a Boat

It is the most beautiful painting I have ever seen

The naked woman has used only red

Brown and yellow

The effect is stunning

The world is ending as it begins

Why do you think the fishermen are launching their boats at sunset?

I would only be guessing

They know that the fish admire the Greek sunsets above all and are easily captured

Is your father on the boat?

Yes he is the figure nearest to me

Did he know he was going to die?

Very much

He knew he had offended the Gods

JJ was in his studio

He had just finished a large painting

Which he called

Coastal Landscape with Fishermen Launching a Boat

It showed a vivid sunset that occured in Margate in 1917

Margate was Molly’s home town

I was sitting in the shadow of the lifeguard’s hut

When a woman wearing a multi-coloured dress

Sat beside me

I looked at her as there was plenty of space on the beach

Do you mind?


I know it is improper but to appreciate the Margate Light one has to sit in the shadows

It is a very special light


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