How to Recognise a Marxist

Joe how do I recognise a Marxist

Check what they are reading

It certainly will not be Marx

Anything else

Shower with them

But I am a decent girl

Excuse me while I get up from the floor

Not nice Joe

I do hope that you stick to the paths Sally

They are there for a reason

Only shower with the guys

Why not the girls

Because girls do not have *****

Some have

Lesson one Sally

Girls do not have *****


Yes really

Have you checked out any custard mags recently

What is a custard mag

Think about it

Oh yes

What do you normally find in custard mags

S***** P****

No not that

What do you see in these magazines

Women being exploited

Right in one

We stray

If you shower with a guy

You will most likely see his ****

Unless the lights are out

Point taken

But supposing the lights work

What would you see


I agree but what else

The guys ****

**** come in different sizes

I know


To answer your question

Marxists have **** *****

Even when ****

That is why they are Marxists

They want to punish the world

I understand Joe

You are certainly not a Marxist

Be quiet Sally

Somebody might hear

Are you ashamed


That is why I do not drink

Am I that gross

Do you want an honest answer



That is what I love about you

Another question Joe

Go ahead

What about female Marxists

That is easy very easy

People say that about me

Do they


Shit Happens

My original question

Bruises on their bodies

Bruises on their bodies

Yes remember you are in a hypothetical shower



Yes these are the barge pole marks

Do they work on the canals

No but you are within a thousand miles

Also they are **** and are **** ******

I see

Thanks for your help Joe

Chat soon Sally

Are you back in the UK yet

No I am being held in a gulag

Poor ewe

I agree

Three speech and all that

Life is a 8888 and then ewe vote ******

Joe & Sal