Et tu Batman

I had always fought evil

My reasons are simple

But I soon began to question evil

What was good and what was evil

It is not that clear cut

I was on vacation

When I met the daughter of a terrorist

Her mother had been in jail for over thirty years

Not for what she had done

She had served her sentence

Bur because of what she knew

This frustrated the daughter

And she had tried to get her released

But ran squarely into a brick wall

The daughter then decided to take things into her own hands

And began hurting those who were hurting her mother

The events were low grade at first but she had plans

Senior politicians and members of the establishment

That is when I discovered her

She knew who I was and my reputation

And was stunned when I said I agreed with her

Et tu Batman

Et tu Batman

I thought you were one of the good guys

I am one of the good guys

I then began financing her operations

Was I able to live with myself


As I knew that she was fighting evil and corruption

You might think that this is false

But let me assure you it is true

In a month or so a corrupt judge will be hurt

And then another and another and then silence

The silence is the important thing

It is not the events but the waiting

That is the true punishment

In time when she is spent

She will spend time with me

We are already a team of one

I suppose that is hard to understand

But if you think about it

The idea is transparent

Joe Note

This was sent to me by a friend whilst I was abroad

It appears to have been written by his son

I assure you that I had nothing to do with it

As I have not even written a Batman poem

It might be fanciful but does retain ones interest

As especially today when many of the good guys

Are being seen as the bad guys

By people with corrupt agendas

I have published it just to provoke thought

As although I am not a violent man

I do see the need for order and if this means violence

Then that is a price well paid

Things must always be run

From a position of strength

Otherwise they will fail