Is this true Joe


I have just run into Josie and her beautiful girlfriend

What a lovely couple they are

You must be so proud

I am very happy for them

Are they visiting your mother


Where are you

In Richmond planning the revolution

But I will be down this weekend

It will be lovely to see you

Please pop into Benedicts

I will

Joe this is a very private question

Josie said that you were once stabbed

I was glassed

It was many years ago

What happened

Josie and I were on a train

When a drunk touched her leg

She swore at the pervert

And he spat in her direction

I then flattened him with a punch

We grappled for a while

Before an off duty cop

Threatened to arrest him

He asked did I wish to press charges

I declined as I had actually thrown a punch

Details were taken and the sorry creature

Was carted off by the railway police

Because he was drunk

Josie was actually angry with me

Because I had acted in such a manner

Noting that she was personally capable

Off dealing with low lives

Such as the one we encountered

It was only as we showered that Josie

Noticed a gash on my back

Which had been caused by a broken glass

This upset Josie as she said it could have been a knife

I see did you regret what happened

Yes and no

Part of me thought myself foolish

The other part would do it again

My father once said to me

That whilst I have most of the gifts

I do have a number of weaknesses

One being that I tend to shoot from the hip

Try to control it as it will get you in trouble one day

I am a very peaceful man as you are aware

But there is something black and white about me

There is no grey

Josie finds this hard to understand

Because I am so three sixty

And I think that she is sometimes scared for me

That was very honest Joe

You are bitterly honest

Black and White

I have known you both for a number of years

But you do continue to surprise me

I am looking forward to seeing you Rosie

And I promise that I will behave myself

As long as I get two scones

You are the decent sort Joe

Our country was built by people like you


You are making me blush

Home made jam

Strawberry or Lime

And the Grey Lady

Your tray is being prepared

Till then Rosie

I will reserve the twins favourite table

By the window

With a extra chair
