Gay Girl Snippets


When did you first know

That you were gay

I never knew I was gay

I just preferred girls

They were softer

More feminine

One could meet a girl

And maybe kiss

Unlike boys

Who had hidden agendas

Bra off within three weeks

Walks through the forest at six

And on and on and on and on

Girls cannot impregnate you

I feel that our relationships

Are more cerebral and tender

Certain men are quite disgusting

You never know where they have been

Have you ever had a boyfriend

A couple one was too full of himself

The other who I really liked was a closet queer

My brother had his doubts and followed him one evening

He hung around the park toilets enough said

Behaviours such as these spread disease

There is another one doing the rounds

You cannot make it up

It is like standing on a railway track

And wondering why you are hit by a train

I have no sympathy with these people

Who is your perfect girl

A hard question

But I suppose an image of myself

Do any gay girls turn you off

Yes the butch ones

They actually scare me

Rather like the misogynists

Who just pretend to be women for obvious gains

They are mentally ill and really sicken me

Who is your perfect partner

This is going to sound crass

But I fantasise about the gay girls

Who are often seen in French movies

I often watch these films when I am sad

There is something very beautiful about them

I once lay naked on a jetty in rural France

With a girl who I had met whilst hiking

That is all it was a fleeting erotic moment

Which was over before it began

How long ago did this happen

About five years ago

The girl was partially deaf

Which for some reason turned me on

As the clash of languages and understanding

Slowed everything down

It was like an afternoon in slow motion

Ramsgate Jones as imagined by Josephine