Hate speeeeeeeeeeeeech


Regarding your question

When I was growing up

The term hate speech

Did not exist

The only time

That I used hate speech

Was when I said

I hate kiver (liver)

I really hate liver

It is like eating a colostomy bag

Did the police instead

Of catching the bad guys

Arrest me

No because they were not politicised

And run by women with funny haircuts

(I love your description)

Hate speech if it exists at all

Is the wet dream of traitors

Chaos recruits from a vacuum

You are taught how to shit

You are taught how to think

You are taught how to wipe your arse

In short you are brainwashed

People who report hate speech

Usually hate themselves

For what they are

When I was small

The only pronouns were in the library

Much of the world was coloured red

Freedom of speech was a basic right

There was less censorship

In those far off days

There are more restrictions today

Freedom is an illusion

Everything is controlled

This cannot be allowed to continue

Thank you for taking an interest in what

I had to say

Bless you
