Joe & Sephine

Interview Joe

How are you Joe

I am good


The same

I love your green dress

Thank you Joe

It is nice that it comes from a fashionista


Are you really happy

Not at present

I am happy but not happy

What makes you unhappy

The state of the world

It is being run by insipid leaders

Lunatics are running the asylum

This said there are some strong leaders

Who I admire

They just get things done

Black and White

Are you going to give an example



Because there are no conversations to be had

I can see your point

Away from the world what do you think of the UK

I think it is a corrupted sewer

Do you mean decay


It has been in decay for a number of years

What upsets you at present

The new government

Everything they touch is turning to ****

Anything in particular

The obvious one


The Winter Fuel Payments

But it does not affect you

I agree but somebody once said

That a good guide

When evaluating a country

Is to see how it values its elderly people

They are not at present valued

The government talks about a black hole

There is no ******* black hole

It was just a cheap target

And because of that the risks to older people increase

What about the benefits

Older people do not always collect benefits

Possibly because they are too complex

Or that it makes them feel weak and dirty

Many older people are very proud and self sufficient

I do understand them

This coming from a land of ring fenced pensions

They are treating people as stupid

Which is very dangerous

Do you think that the government wastes money

Very much

We waste billions every year

On what

The Theatre of Absurdity

That is why people took to the streets

Many will say that it was an excuse for a punch up

I agree but many of the people were just angry

Like me they have witnessed the decay

They can remember the days of Pale England

Pale England is a fantasy you have said that yourself

It is a fantasy as in theory it does not exist

But it was once real very very real

Many will say you are racist Joe

They do not understand the word

If you think about it a racist (if the word exists at all)

Is the chap who is walking by a river

There are two children in a small boat

One white and one black

The boat overturns

Throwing both children into the river

This man only rescues the white child

Because of his colour

The black child drowns

That is racism

Who would you rescue Joe

I am surprised that you have asked me that question

And to be truthful I am a little insulted


Beauty and brains Sephine remember that

It is vitally important

That might be seen as a sexist remark Joe

It is

You are lucky enough to be very beautiful

And are obviously very intelligent

Do not spoil yourself

Do not let toxic agendas spoil you

In answer to your question

I would rescue both children

As I am colourblind

What would you do Sephine



Because I cannot swim

But I would find someone who could swim

A fair answer

I am going to give you some advice

Learn to swim

It is not hard

You will not drown

I do not think that I like you Joe

You like me a great deal

But hate me because I can see your naked soul

You are difficult to interview Joe

Am I too honest for you

Just strip yourself down to basics

And you might be shocked

Why would I be shocked

Because you are very similar to me

Are you flirting with me


You are

Are you flattered

I know your current circumstances

And yes

Wednesday at eight



I accept

May I bring Virginia

As it is rather cool by the river

I think that we might be good friends Joe

That is a possibility Sephine