My Summer with Albine / Mon été avec Albine

I have always been attracted to country girls
Possibly because I was a country lad and understood country ways 

There is something simple pale and fresh about them 

When I was a schoolboy I often swam quite naked 

With many of the girls from my village including my sister

It was quite a natural thing to do on hot summer days and totally without guilt 

I add that I was not the only boy within this pastoral

Shortly after I turned fourteen I received La Faute de l'Abbé Mouret 

From one of my mothers dottier friends 

My sister Josephine also received a copy of the Zola novel 

It was my first real introduction to Zola 

And it changed my perspectives totally 

I was already writing poetry 

But things slowly began to change

I saw the tragedy of life

In the novel Albine a simple country girl 

Takes her own life by poisoning herself 

Within the fumes of innocent flowers 

I was in love with Albine 

And hated the young priest Serge Mouret 

For what he had done to this innocent whimsical creature 

Even whilst enjoying our swims I began to think about 

What lay beneath the surface of our shallow meandering river 

The black currents so ready to take your life 

Within a year I had written Chrysalis

Which was later lost 

(sadly only parts remain in my memory)

I had arrived 

Joe was beginning his journey 

I am still travelling even as I write this memory  

Although she is busy I have asked Josie 

To share her thoughts about this important period of our lives 

I do hope that she finds time to do so 
