Josie chats to Joe



Are you still in love with Virginia

She is the most beautiful girl in Richmond

Virginia has a pen to die for

A question

Forty Two

Are you attracted to Sephine


Fuck off Joe

She is very attracted to you

I normally insult her

She weeps

It is a cleansing process

I am only a mirror

If you do not like what uc –

I have heard that so many times

She really likes you

There are some untrue rumours

Untrue rumours

Think about it

It is always a joke Joe

There is over ten years between us

You taught her to swim

Our families were friendly

When Daddy died they were there

We needed friends

To be truthful I think that she is incredibly beautiful

I feel that she is lonely and lacks confidence

Even though she has done well for herself

I think that she sees you as a father figure

And that is why she gets upset when you rip her apart

I know that you might differ Josie

You have been reading my diary again

The Diary of a Mad Girl

All I said is that she has a fine brain

But it is cluttered at times

I have the most cluttered up brain in the world

But it is fluid because of you

You are going to make me blush

Joe I know that you are flattered

But please do not hurt her

I never hurt women I am surprised that you think that way

Are we going to have one of our fights

I am a mad girl

I say mad things

Fuck off Josie

The stable door is open

Yes I am flattered

But it is not like we met on the tube this morning

We have both known her since we were small

In a way Joe even Joe is coming to terms with that

The trouble is that when I am chased

It is normally because of what I am

But not for who I am

A over confident egotistical piece of shit

Spot on

You know how I function Josie

The last thing I would do is hurt any girl

I spotted the signs within Sephine

Long before our rather fractious interview

The trouble is that I need equality

That is why you and I are great together

You are my equal Josie or maybe exceed me

I am not looking for a relationship

As although the dynamics between us have altered

Nothing has really changed

You have found a partner

But she does not present a threat

Far from it

I am so so happy for you

I have noticed the other Josie

For some time now

Mummy has noticed as well

You are/were three quarters Josie

So you chat behind my back

If it fucks you off then I will stop now

Mummy cares and so do eye

Cora I believe is the other quarter

Maybe God did not approve of us Joe

Possibly but he has not mentioned it

Maybe we swam with the tide

But now the tide has changed

Are you saying that God has spoken

Some might see it that way


I do not see it in any particular way

I am not God

We stray

I promise you that I will not hurt Sephine

God might have sent her who knows

She is very beautiful so very beautiful

God knows how shallow I am

I am a very shallow person

It might be his joke as I like raven girls

Time for a change Joe old boy

Who knows

We cannot guess the dynamics

Just understand them

I again promise that I will not hurt Sephine

I believe you Joe

This is a soap opera throw away your pen

Otherwise I will steal your words and give them to Rufus

I thought you hated the BBC