Jimmy Jimmy

Jimmy as you know this your opportunity

To think about your career when you leave skool

What does your Dad do for a living

Which Dad

Carrying on have you had any thoughts


Please share

I think about Mary Jenkins in Form 5


Yes I think about her in my bath

So you are originally from Somerset Jimmy

No just Bath

What can you see yourself doing in five years

Playing for the Arsenal

But you only have one leg Jimmy

That is okay as I can still play


In European competitions

The ties are played over two legs

I might not be able to play in the first leg

But if selected would be available for the second leg

Have you had any other thoughts

Miss Ringlicker

Miss Ringlicker

She is the matron

Is she nice

No *** as ****

But gives me great messages

Does your phone not work

No I sold it when the deal went wrong

There are many opportunities out there Jimmy

I do have a thought Sir

That being

I would like to become a serial killer

What makes you say that

My larynx normally

Do you like cornflakes

Hate them

Puffed Wheat


Sugar Puffs


Then I do not that you would make a good cereal killer

There is something I have always fancied

What is that

I would like to be the Prime Minister

Are you an honest lad


Then that will help you

Do you believe in free speech

I can only count 22

Another box ticked

Do you love your country

No it is a sewer

Would you be able to cope with the workload

What workload

You know jetting around the world

Meeting other freeloaders such as yourself

So I would have to meet other people


I do not like other people

Other box ticked

An honest question Jimmy

What really attracts you

Ben Smith’s mum

She is grade one d***y



The free clothes for me and my t**t

Anything else

My ring fenced pension

Also I will not have to pay the leccy bills

On my gaff in Lundun

The starving taxpayers will foot the cost

What about the pensioners

We get cold winters down here

If you get my drift

You are a little gob***** Jimmy

Thank You Sir

People are not normally that nice 2me