The Bruce Tunnel

I was tied to the stern of Viola’s small boat and was being dragged through the dark waters of the Bruce Tunnel at the end of a long rope

Viola was standing on the narrow deck shining a torch in my direction

I cannot see you in the wake of the boat keep still!

I am trying to keep still!

As we neared the Reading end of the tunnel I felt the waist cord of my swimming shorts snap

And slowly the current of my movement dragged them off

I was naked

Stop the boat I have lost my shorts!


The boat broke the entrance of the tunnel and soon everything was bathed in the strong light of the day

Viola stopped the boat and moored beneath a strange sycamore tree

Are you getting out?


Why not?

I have lost my shorts

That was careless

The waist cord snapped

Are you naked?


If you do not get out of the canal then your antiquarian book will remain in its paper bag

Will you turn around?


Then I shall remain in the canal

Your antiquarian book will stay in its paper bag until you emerge from the murky waters that hide your nudity

I will see you naked


On the settee in our cottage

My antiquarian book remained still in the sunlight

Only its paper bag gathered the day dust


We were taking tea in the graveyard of the main church in Kintbury

I had chosen a slice of lime cake

Viola had chosen a slice of orange cake

You smell of the canal

I am the canal

It is a pleasant smell

You smell of a delicate perfume

I never wear perfumes

You have been away for such a long time

I have travelled far

Mrs Jane Sleeway emerged from the small kitchen next to the large shed

I was admiring the shed

I had always liked large wooden sheds

Slightly rotten in their years

You are my first customers today and it is already half past two

Are you usually busy on a Saturday afternoon?

I am sometimes run off of my feet

Mrs Jane Sleeway was a slight woman of about ninety summers

Her long grey hair was tied back with an agreeable ribbon

Lavender in colour

Do you mind if I join you as it is so quiet?

Please do

Are you married?


You make a lovely couple if you do not mind me saying so

Viola smiled

We are siblings

Viola is my older twin

You do not look alike

Do you know that I descended an evil staircase never to return and that Christ rescued me in my darkest hour?

Please continue

I was born a fairy not far from here on the edge of the village and for many years enjoyed an idyllic life and then the war came along

I volunteered but they would not accept fairies into any of the services

I had a stark choice either to become human and do my bit

Or to remain a fairy and watch as all the brave boys laid their lives down for this beautiful country

In 1943 I changed and this is when I met Cy

Your husband?

Such a good man

Do you live in the village?

Yes over there

I would like to meet your husband

You have already met him

In the village?

You are sitting on his grave

Viola blushed and stood up

There is no need to be alarmed my dear lots of people take tea sitting on his grave

I know that he enjoys their company

Although shielded by the church a train raced by in the hidden air and I listened as it motor faded into the distance

Cy was an engine driver for many years

On this line?

Yes I often waved at him as he raced through the station and he would sound the engine’s whistle in reply as he sped through the trout marshes towards Hungerford

Was your marriage happy?

Yes very happy

Do you have children?

No fairies cannot conceive our insides are different mostly dust I think

I was writing happy things one afternoon knowing that Cy would be returning at about eight

We were planning to share a drink at the inn near the station

I correct myself

I had already asked the landlord to have an ale ready for Cy as fairies cannot drink

It is something to do with our insides you know

Earlier that day I had purchased an antiquarian book from a passing peddler and it lay on our shared bed awaiting his return

But he did not return

He had died from a heart attack on the platform at Taunton Station a few hours earlier

I never finished my happy story

And do you know that his book still lies on our shared bed where I left it on that far off summer’s day

Poor Cy

Oh my poor Cy

Christ wanted him as a brother

So he just had to die


As we left the church a host of White Ladies floated towards us

Viola and I plucked a handful from the air and placed them in our linen bags


I was tied to the stern of Viola’s small boat and was being dragged through the waters of the Bruce Tunnel on the end of a long rope

Viola was standing on the narrow deck shining a torch in my direction

I cannot see you in the wake of the boat keep still

I am trying to keep still!

As we neared the Reading end of the tunnel I felt the waist cord of my swimming shorts snap

As slowly the current of my movement dragged them off

I was naked

Stop the boat I have lost my shorts


The boat broke the entrance of the tunnel and soon everything was bathed in the strong light of the day

Viola stopped the boat and moored beneath a strange sycamore tree

Are you getting out?


Why not?

I have lost my shorts

That was careless

The waist cord snapped

Are you naked?


If you do not get out of the canal then your antiquarian book will remain in its paper bag

Will you turn around?


Well then I will remain in the canal

Then your antiquarian book will stay in its paper bag

I swam in the canal for the next few minutes

Watching the White Ladies floating on the hanging breeze

Viola had left the boat and was walking along the shaded canal bank picking flowers

I will be leaving soon so you better get out

As I swam towards the tunnel a White Lady pursed my lips and kissed me

I looked up and Viola had turned her back

She was holding a large bunch of flowers to her breast and was unaware of my movement

I climbed aboard the boat and dressed quickly

That was cheating you waited for a White Lady to appear and kissed it

I will see you naked before I leave

I have seen you naked

You have not

I cut the cord on your swim shorts last night while you were sleeping

Did you then

I pulled your sheets back and sketched you in the nude as you slept

The drawing is above my bunk

Yes I have seen it

You have a talent

I placed my hand on Viola’s shoulder and gently pushed her

It is starting you know

Your travel?

Yes I am beginning to travel once more

We sat quietly on the boat and watched as the White Ladies floated by

The day long was now drawing in and the sun was dipping below the branches of the strange sycamore tree

Viola was beginning to fade and soon I could not see her at all

She would travel far

I retired to my bunk and after washing found an antiquarian book hidden under my pillow

It was a book of poetry

Viola had inserted a lavender card between its pages

It read

I will see you naked you know

I will see you naked




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