Lands End

During the eclipse
of seahorses
the glimmer gulls
will circle the mother mark
and sly children
will play
on the green fields
of sailors
as they await
their valued return
Widows will free
their embalmed doves
and cover them
with goatskins
to deceive the blind
Simpletons will ponder
their own mortality
and the infidelities
of their travel
A ferryman
will give alms
to the dead
as they feed
from their sour budgets
And passing men of war
will sing
sweet sea songs
to their lovers fair
this being the consideration of trespass.





on the green fields of sailors Calenture is  a tropical madness in which sailors imagining the sea to be green meadows , threw themselves overboard and drowned.

and cover them with goatskins….Jacob covered himself with goatskins to deceive his blind father Issac into blessing him instead of his hairy brother  Esau (Genesis 27)

mother mark…..the lighthouse at Lands End ….ferryman ….Charon the ferryman of Hades

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