Interview Joe

When you take a long train journey

What do you do

I write poetry or at least

Brainstorm ideas

Why did you create Joe

Because I like masks

Josie told me that you met a philosopher


Did ewe discuss anything


Yes please

No we discussed coffee





What is your name


You are difficult to interview

The philosopher


What did he say to you

He asked if I knew what a Defibrillator was

I asked him why he has asked me that question

See you later defibrillator

Was all he said to me

I do not understand you Joe

Think about it

Are you teasing me

Far from it

I am supposed to be your girl

You are but before we attach

I would like you to disappear

You certainly know how to charm me

How would you do it

I could leave this room

We are in a cornfield

So we are

There is a railway station over there

How do you know that

Because a train just stopped there

Two people late of Rye alighted

He was wearing jeans and a loose shirt

She was wearing a white cotton dress

Now that would be telling

What fis ske look like

Tall for a girl v;onfe with golden hair

She is very beautiful

Sephine sit in this cornfield

My dress will getdusty

Then remove it

I am not that silly

(SEphine sits in the cornfield)

See you have totally vanished

I can still see my dress

But can you see your arms or your legs

Not that easy cowboy

I will turn away

It is a beautiful dress

There is a faint odour


Under your arms

Do I smell

Yes of Rosewater

You are looking at me

You have invaded my modesty

I can only see a golden cornfield

You are quite invisible Sephine

What was your philosophers name

William Stanley Stuart

Has he written much

No that was Stanley William Stuart

Are they different

Yes one is a philosopher the other is a mathematician

What are ewe writing at present Joe

I am sketching you

But I am invisible

Physically yes

But I can see you

The Story of a Love Story

That is what I am going to call

Call what

Our early days together