
A Lecture  

There is a castle in Ferrara in Italy which once from one of its towers flew the red flag of communism

It was a proud moment

On the 20th of December 1920 a number of our comrades were holding a meeting in the castle when a fascist parade passed by in the street below

Bombs were thrown

Whether planned or not three fascists died in the attack

The attack was a triumph a strike for freedom

The castle still bears the scars of the attack

On its walls three garlands celebrate the names of the dead fascists

Ai martiri Fascisti del 20 Decembre 1920

Beppe rose from his chair

Sit down Beppe let the man speak

Sir do these garlands still exist?

I was in Ferrara only a month ago and these names are still celebrated on the red castle walls

Is it not strange then that many loyal communists died but no lasting memorials to them are to be found in the area?

That is the price of freedom Sir

That is a cliché

That is the truth

Sit down Beppe  

Beppe sat down and looked at Christina

She was wearing faded blue jeans and a white shirt belted at the waist

Christina’s sandals lay loosely on the stone floor in front of her

Where is you rifle comrade?

I have no rifle

Never be without your rifle Christina

Beppe how many times do I have to repeat this to you?

The war is over

The war is finished

La guerre est finie

As they left the church both Beppe and Christina left a few coins on the plate by the door

The lecture had been free but a retiring collection had been suggested  


 Christina’s Shirt

You are really only in love with the image Christina

Explain yourself

Look at you

You are dressed like a man

You are wearing old boots scruffy trousers held up by an ancient leather belt

I dress like you comrade

You dress for yourself

Look at your shirt Christina

You shirt is your image

Your buttons are provocative left open to suggest your breasts

A closed invitation

When you raise your rifle your comrades look at the movement of your breasts and not the enemy

You will kill them all Christina

And you too will die in time in a cornfield on a very hot day

An aged fascist will glimpse your white shirt reflective in the strong sun

He will see a hint of your breasts as you move quietly in the heat of the afternoon

His prick will harden as he watches you

He desires you

He wants to fuck you

But he cannot have you

You are untouchable

This angers him

He raises his rifle and shoots you in the throat

A tear will run down his rugged face for he has destroyed a thing of beauty

Beautiful but vain

You will die in agony choking on your own blood

Your shirt will be stained red as will the corn that surrounds you

The day will remain beautiful and there will not be any noticeable change in the temperature of the afternoon

But you will feel cold

Very cold

Your last conscious image will be of your weeping comrades and the golden cornfields

You will take this with you into eternity

What about the old fascist will he remain sad?

For a while

You will occur in his dreams from time to time

In his dreams he is your comrade

You are in the cornfield with him

His head is resting on your breasts

In the distance he sees himself raising a rifle

Without waking you he raises his rifle and kills the aged fascist on the hill

You open your eyes and enquire whether the war is finished

He replies that the war never started

It was all a dream


A Street of Light

Can you see anything?

No but I am sure that they are there

The street is so well lit

There are no shadows

Mark my word they are watching us

Will you be taken alive?

And be tortured?

Then we will die in a hail of bullets


I will fall on my favourite chair with a dozen bullets inside me

Why a dozen?

Why waste the extra bullet

The fascists will abuse my corpse

I will be fucked after death by each of them

My body will still be warm and supple

You too will be abused

A rifle will be stuck up your arse and the last shot will be fired

Fucking homosexual

They are all homosexuals

All communists are homosexuals

And we will be left there for a day in the heat until two cowards come to collect our bodies

Our room will stink of death

The cowards will wear masks and images of the Virgin Mary on their shirts

We will be carried to a lime pit and dumped there without burial

The cowards will clean our little flat

They will live there with their whores

They will fuck each other on our bed

Without changing our love sheets

Shit stains will soil our chairs

All fascists are homosexuals

They do not wash after fucking

The Devil invented anal sex

All fascists are children of the Devil

Be quiet Christina

Can you see them?

I think I can see them in the shadows

There are no shadows

The street is so well lit

They hide in the shadows

The wooden door of our building has opened

The fascists are pouring in

Why are they creeping up the stairs?

Even fascists have hearts they want our last moments to be without fear

But I am terrified

So am I

Raise your rifle comrade

Are you reading to fire?

In the distance the strong summer sun was rising above the roof tops

Christina felt the warmth of the sun on her face

Sunlight was flooding the room

She glanced down into the street

It was empty

The street lights had extinguished themselves and the cool morning air as yet unheated rippled the red flags that hung from the colonial balconies

I do not think that they are coming

No the fascists only operate at night

They operate in the shadows

That is why they never visit this street

They fear the light

Then why are we holding our rifles?

Return your rifle

Beppe and Christina sat on the light iron chairs on their balcony

They were drinking coffee

Both were wearing sun glasses

As the sun was bright

Christina had unbuttoned her white shirt

The breeze felt good on her skin

In the apartment opposite an old man who had once been a member of a death squad watched as the breeze rippled her shirt occasionally exposing her nipples

He was dying

He knew that he was dying

His heart was fading

He should have killed her in the cornfield

He wants you to remove your shirt

So that he can see your breasts as he dies

Christina spills her coffee and splashes her shirt

She swears and smiles at Beppe

The old man watches as Christina removes her white shirt

She has spotted him

But does nothing

For the first time in his tormented life the old man believes in God

He thinks of all the people he has killed

A pregnant angel hovers over him

It is time to leave

God Forgives



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